The Planet Crafter

Unveiling the Secret to Explosive Powder

Discover the essential mid- to late-game ingredient in The Planet Crafter that paves the way for advanced tools and upgrades.

Optimal Base Designs in The Planet Crafter

Guiding players with top base layouts to ensure smooth progression in The Planet Crafter game.

Exploring the Diverse Terrain of The Planet Crafter

Uncover hidden gems and unique landscapes in The Planet Crafter by navigating its map and biomes effectively.

Top Ways to Boost Oxygen Levels in The Planet Crafter

Learn the most effective methods to increase oxygen production in the game for successful terraforming.

Top Locations for New Planet Crafter Players

Just starting out in The Planet Crafter? Discover some of the best starting locations for an exciting early-game experience. Learn about their advantages and drawbacks.

Creating an Animal Haven in The Planet Crafter

Learn how to establish an Animal Shelter when you reach the Mammals stage in The Planet Crafter game.

Mastering The Planet Crafter Endings

Exploring the diverse endings of The Planet Crafter requires meeting specific criteria to unlock each one.

The Planet Crafter: Essential Structures for Survival

Ensure your survival in The Planet Crafter by constructing these key structures early on.

Mastering Frog Collecting in The Planet Crafter

Discover the secrets to collecting all 14 frog species in the game and liven up your base's environment.

The Ultimate Guide to Recycling in The Planet Crafter

Discover how the Recycling Machine is essential in The Planet Crafter for reclaiming materials used to craft various items.

Unleashing Life: The Ultimate Guide to DNA Manipulation in The Planet Crafter

Discover the secrets of the DNA Manipulator, a key machine for breathing life into barren planets in The Planet Crafter.

Mastering Fish Egg Collection in The Planet Crafter

Learn how to efficiently collect fish eggs of all species in the game.

Unveiling the Mystery of Procedural Wrecks

Discover the hidden treasures and challenges within the procedural wrecks of The Planet Crafter.

Mastering Machine Optimizers in The Planet Crafter

Enhance your gameplay by learning how to utilize machine optimizers efficiently in The Planet Crafter.

Unveiling the Secrets of Stellar Quartz in The Planet Crafter

Exploring the diverse locations to uncover the five types of stellar quartz in The Planet Crafter game.

Mastering Terra Tokens in The Planet Crafter

Discover efficient ways to earn and utilize Terra Tokens for valuable items and blueprints in The Planet Crafter.

Uncovering Obsidian in The Planet Crafter

Exploring the new volcanic zone in The Planet Crafter reveals a valuable new resource: obsidian.