Mastering Fish Egg Collection in The Planet Crafter

Learn how to efficiently collect fish eggs of all species in the game.
Mastering Fish Egg Collection in The Planet Crafter


  • Discover various methods to obtain fish eggs in The Planet Crafter
  • Understand the significance of incubation and water life collection in obtaining fish eggs
  • Explore the diverse fish species available and the resources required for their eggs

In the world of The Planet Crafter, your creations evolve from basic plant life to intricate fish species. Transitioning from aquariums to the vast waters of the main map, these fish offer a dynamic element to your planetary ecosystem.

Similar to discovering butterflies, The Planet Crafter presents over a dozen fish species waiting to be uncovered. Some can be crafted in incubators, some found in the wild, and a select few require unique methods for acquisition.

Efficient Ways to Acquire Fish Eggs

To obtain every fish species, you must employ specific strategies.

Utilizing Incubation

Just as with insect larvae and later frog eggs, the incubator can transform raw materials into fish eggs. Gathering Phytoplankton A, B, or C; Mutagen T2 or T3; and Fertilizer T1, along with the appropriate species blueprint, is crucial for this method. Refer below for the recipes and their unlocking stages.

Water Life Collection

Fish eggs can sometimes be found in a Water Life Collector instead of phytoplankton. The type of eggs spawned depends on the placement of the collector, with specific bodies of water yielding distinct eggs.

Space Trading

A unique fish species can only be acquired through the Space Trader Rocket, albeit at a higher cost. These eggs, priced in Terra Tokens, offer the same multiplier as golden fish species.

Diverse Fish Species in The Planet Crafter

  • Hidden species won't be visible on the Incubator's recipe list, but you can create them once you have the necessary components.
  • While fish eggs may be found in other biomes, the listed species are guaranteed in the corresponding biomes.
  • If the Incubator doesn't yield desired fish eggs, recycle the materials to try again. Species are randomly produced from known recipes.
  • Exploring wrecks may lead to tree seeds and frog eggs, but fish eggs are exclusive to other methods.

To streamline your fish egg collection process in The Planet Crafter, ensure you have the following ingredients for each set of craftable fish eggs:

  • 3 Phytoplankton A
  • 3 Phytoplankton B
  • 5 Phytoplankton C
  • 2 Mutagen T2
  • 9 Mutagen T3
  • 11 Fertilizer T1