Unveiling the Secrets of Stellar Quartz in The Planet Crafter

Exploring the diverse locations to uncover the five types of stellar quartz in The Planet Crafter game.
Unveiling the Secrets of Stellar Quartz in The Planet Crafter


  • Discover new star-inspired quartz types beyond pulsar in The Planet Crafter.
  • Unlock the best ways to gather quartz in the late game of The Planet Crafter.
  • Master the methods to acquire and utilize each quartz type effectively in The Planet Crafter.

Embark on a journey in The Planet Crafter where the pursuit of the elusive mineral, pulsar quartz, leads to the unveiling of four new stellar quartz varieties. These include blazar quartz, quasar quartz, magnetar quartz, and solar quartz, each named after cosmic phenomena and scattered across the planet, waiting to be discovered.

Revealing Quartz Locations in The Planet Crafter

Begin your quartz quest at the mesmerizing Rainbow Caves situated in the northern part of the map. These caves bridge various biomes, offering a spectrum of quartz colors. Keep in mind that some cave entrances may be initially blocked by ice, requiring the Terraformation Index to reach 425 GTi to reveal their full splendor.

Delight in the vibrant hues of quartz within the Rainbow Caves, earning achievements as you mine each type. Remember to safeguard rarer quartz varieties until they become indispensable in later stages of terraformation.

Strategies for Late-Game Quartz Acquisition

While the Rainbow Caves hold a finite quartz reservoir, late-game exploration unlocks new avenues for acquiring quartz. Search crates and safes post-Fish or Amphibian stage to secure random quartz loot. For a more reliable supply, craft the Portal Generator at 250 GTi, enabling access to abundant crates in procedurally generated shipwrecks.

Mastering Pulsar Quartz Acquisition

Uncover pulsar quartz through various means in The Planet Crafter:

  • Explore the black Meteor Field, caves in different biomes, and the majestic Waterfall pillar.
  • Await special purple meteor showers for additional pulsar quartz.
  • Unlock the pulsar quartz recipe at 175 GTi to produce it in the biolab.

Utilizing Stellar Quartz in Crafting

Besides facilitating portal openings, the diverse quartz types play pivotal roles in top-tier crafting recipes within The Planet Crafter. Embrace the versatility of each quartz variety to enhance your gameplay experience.