Top Ways to Boost Oxygen Levels in The Planet Crafter

Learn the most effective methods to increase oxygen production in the game for successful terraforming.
Top Ways to Boost Oxygen Levels in The Planet Crafter


  • Master the art of terraforming in The Planet Crafter to sustain life on a new planet.
  • Utilize efficient oxygen-producing structures like Seed Spreaders and Algae Generators for early-game success.
  • Opt for advanced structures like Biodomes for sustainable oxygen generation in the end-game phase.

The Planet Crafter combines survival game elements with a sci-fi crafting adventure focused on transforming an inhospitable planet. Players advance through unlocking blueprints and technologies to create a sustainable ecosystem with water bodies, vegetation, and wildlife. The game's difficulty varies based on the chosen starting point, offering a range from easy to extremely challenging.

Terraforming, the core gameplay mechanic in The Planet Crafter, involves a unique twist compared to usual base-building games. Generating oxygen is crucial for establishing a sustainable ecosystem and players have various options at different game stages. Here are the top methods to boost oxygen levels:

6 Vegetube

Cultivating Basic Plants


  • Vegetube T1
  • Vegetube T2
  • Vegetube T3

T3 Input/Output:

  • Power: -7.25/s
  • Oxygen: 13/s

The Vegetube is an initial oxygen-producing structure in The Planet Crafter. While T1 and T2 can be indoors, T3 requires an outdoor placement. Once operational, inserting a seed initiates oxygen production if power is sufficient. Players often start with Vegetubes, transitioning to more efficient options later.

5 Algae Generator

Mushroom Cultivation


  • Algae Generator T1
  • Algae Generator T2

T2 Input/Output:

  • Power: -27/s
  • Oxygen: 350/s
  • Flora: 23/s

Algae Generators, superior to Vegetubes in oxygen production, necessitate outdoor installation. They also yield mushrooms, serving as both food and resource for advanced recipes. Players can switch Algae Generators from oxygen to mushroom production as required.

4 Seed Spreader

Rapid Plant Propagation


  • Grass Spreader
  • Flower Spreader T1
  • Flower Spreader T2

T2 Input/Output:

  • Power: -38.8/s
  • Oxygen: Up to 325/s
  • Flora: 43.5/s

Seed Spreaders operate similarly to advanced Vegetubes. They continuously propagate plants and flowers with oxygen production based on loaded seeds. Even low-quality seeds perform better in Seed Spreaders than Vegetubes, prompting many players to upgrade once feasible.