Mastering Machine Optimizers in The Planet Crafter

Enhance your gameplay by learning how to utilize machine optimizers efficiently in The Planet Crafter.
Mastering Machine Optimizers in The Planet Crafter


  • Understand the impact of machine optimizers on resource-producing machines.
  • Learn how to unlock and use machine optimizers effectively.
  • Discover where to find fuses to power up your machine optimizers.

While many machines in The Planet Crafter are crucial for game progression, machine optimizers play a unique role in enhancing the efficiency of other devices. Unlike essential resource-generating machines like drills or heaters, optimizers can significantly increase the output of various machines found in the game.

To maximize the benefits of machine optimizers, players need to understand their functionality and how to acquire the necessary fuses to power them up effectively.

Unlocking Machine Optimizers in The Planet Crafter

In The Planet Crafter, two versions of machine optimizers are available. The first model unlocks early during terraformation at 70 MTi, while the second becomes accessible at 1.85 mK. Both optimizers share a common purpose, but the T2 variant offers enhanced capabilities.

Utilizing Machine Optimizers in The Planet Crafter

Machine optimizers require fuses to function optimally. Once equipped with a fuse, an optimizer can amplify the output of a specific type of machine based on the fuse type used. For example, adding a Heat Multiplier Fuse to a Machine Optimizer near five T2 Heaters can significantly boost heat generation, leading to increased overall productivity.

Players can further enhance machine efficiency by adding more optimizers and fuses, allowing for substantial output gains across multiple machines simultaneously.

  • Machine optimizers prioritize affecting machines based on output quantity.
  • Proximity determines which machines within an optimizer's range are boosted first.
  • Each T2 Machine Optimizer can accommodate up to three fuses, affecting a maximum of eight machines per fuse type.
  • Visually identify affected machines by observing glowing indicators when in close proximity to the optimizer.
  • Multiple optimizers can synergize to amplify the output of the same group of machines significantly.

Acquiring Fuses in The Planet Crafter

While machine optimizers are readily available, acquiring fuses poses a greater challenge. Fuses can be found in crates, shipwrecks, hidden bunkers, and safes behind Fusion Energy Cell doors. The Space Trader offers various fuse types for purchase, albeit at a premium.

Notably, specific fuses like the Production Multiplier Fuse target resource-generating machines exclusively, while rare fuses like the Trade Rocket Multiplier Fuse require exploration and discovery in secure wreck locations.