Creating an Animal Haven in The Planet Crafter

Learn how to establish an Animal Shelter when you reach the Mammals stage in The Planet Crafter game.
Creating an Animal Haven in The Planet Crafter


  • Discover the Genetic Extractor and Genetic Sequencer for creating custom animals.
  • Build and stock an Animal Shelter to house your crafted creatures.
  • Set up an Animal Feeder to ensure your animals thrive and provide benefits.

As you progress to the Mammals stage in The Planet Crafter, the final terraformation stage before completion, you unlock the Animal Shelter and Animal Feeder structures. These are crucial for introducing mammals to your planet. Here's how you can efficiently set up an animal haven:

Mastering the Genetic Extractor

To begin creating mammals, you need a collection of genes. While you can find random genes in crates during the Amphibian stage, a more reliable source is the Genetic Extractor, accessible once you reach 800 tons of Insects.

The Genetic Extractor transforms various items like insect larvae, flower seeds, and fish eggs into Genetic Traits. Each item follows specific rules, such as butterflies producing color variations and quartz yielding bioluminescence. Understanding these conversions is essential for crafting your custom animals.

  • Common butterflies yield Color A.
  • Rare butterflies create Skin Patterns.
  • Common flower seeds result in Color B.
  • Common fish eggs produce Color B.
  • Quartz transforms into Bioluminescence.
  • Frog eggs generate Skin Pattern Colors.
  • Larvae produce Sizes.
  • Species traits come from bee larvae, silk worms, and rare larvae.

Each gene type offers multiple variations, ensuring a diverse range of customization options for your creatures.

Utilizing the Genetic Sequencer

Once you have a set of Genetic Traits, use the Genetic Sequencer to combine them into a coherent sequence. This device, unlocked at 70 kt of Biomass, requires specific mandatory traits like Species, Color A, and Color B, along with optional traits including Skin Pattern and Size. Each trait influences the appearance and characteristics of your animal, allowing for extensive customization.

After crafting a Creature DNA item, you'll need an Animal Shelter to house your creation. Mammals won't appear in the wild until you establish a shelter, emphasizing its significance in the terraforming process.

Constructing and Supplying an Animal Shelter

An Animal Shelter requires materials like Water Bottles, Circuit Boards, and Silk for basic functionality. By stocking the shelter with Creature DNA, you can significantly enhance its Animals output. Each DNA item boosts the rating by 1,000%, allowing for up to a 5,000% increase in animal presence.

The creatures housed in the shelter will grow over time, offering free Genetic Traits if cared for properly. Maintaining a stocked and well-equipped shelter is key to fostering a thriving ecosystem on your planet.

Managing the Animal Feeder

Equally essential is the Animal Feeder, which ensures your animals remain healthy and productive. Building a feeder near each Animal Shelter is vital to sustain your creatures. It requires items like Water Bottles, Circuit Boards, and Flour to function effectively.

Keeping the feeder stocked with nutritious food items is crucial for the well-being of your animals. Regular feeding ensures their growth, contribution to the shelter's rating, and provision of free Genetic Traits. Automation through Outdoor Farms and drones can streamline the feeding process, allowing you to focus on expanding and enhancing your animal population.

Mammals in The Planet Crafter offer extensive customization possibilities, enriching your planet's biosphere and gameplay experience. By following these steps to establish and maintain an animal haven, you can create a vibrant and diverse ecosystem within the game.