Mastering Frog Collecting in The Planet Crafter

Discover the secrets to collecting all 14 frog species in the game and liven up your base's environment.
Mastering Frog Collecting in The Planet Crafter


  • Find frog eggs in natural ponds to kickstart your collection.
  • Explore unique sources like the Space Trader and Procedural Wrecks for rare frog species.
  • Utilize the Incubator wisely to craft a diverse range of frog species.

Embark on a thrilling journey in The Planet Crafter as you unlock a plethora of frog species to enhance the vibrancy of your virtual world. The Amphibians stage introduces a captivating array of frogs waiting to be discovered.

Locating Frog Eggs

In The Planet Crafter, scout for frog eggs in natural frog ponds scattered across the terrain. These ponds, appearing post-Fish stage, harbor white frog eggs awaiting your collection. Keep an eye out for stone-rimmed water patches – the initial signs of forthcoming frog inhabitants.

Contrary to insect larvae or fish eggs, frog egg appearance aligns with specific terraformation phases, with each pond yielding a single set. While you'll later unlock a recipe for Generic Frog Eggs, early gameplay demands a strategic approach due to limited egg reserves.

Most frog species can be synthesized using Generic Frog Eggs in the Incubator, except for a few unique ones obtainable through:

Space Trader

Explore the Space Trader's offerings, which include distinct frog species alongside other planetary life forms. Prepare to invest Terra Tokens for these exclusive amphibian additions.

Procedural Wrecks

Delve into the