ZeniMax Online Studios

ZeniMax Online Studios' Resolution for Elder Scrolls Online Login Issues

Insight into ZeniMax Online Studios' approach to handling the recent account lockouts in The Elder Scrolls Online.

Delving into Oblivion References in The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter

Exploring iconic Oblivion locations in The Elder Scrolls Online's latest chapter.

Elder Scrolls Online Resolving a Decade-Long Lore Inconsistency

Upcoming updates in Elder Scrolls Online are set to finally address a persistent lore issue that has puzzled fans for a decade.

Why The Elder Scrolls Online Deviates from a 'Classic' Version

Insight from Rich Lambert, the creative director of The Elder Scrolls Online, on the rationale behind ZeniMax Online Studios' decision to abstain from launching a 'classic' iteration of the MMO.

Exploring The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter

A hands-on look at the new Gold Road chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online, featuring a unique scribing system and intriguing lore developments.

A Decade Later: The Epic Tale of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online continues to thrive since its 2014 launch, expanding Tamriel into a vast and unparalleled virtual world.

Exciting Features Confirmed for The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Expansion

The Elder Scrolls Online has announced the ambitious Gold Road expansion, unveiling a host of confirmed features for the upcoming DLC.

The Elder Scrolls 6: Why It Can't Rely on 'Skyrim' Alone

The Elder Scrolls 6 faces a crucial decision after Skyrim's omission of a beloved feature and The Elder Scrolls Online's introduction of Scribing.

Exploring the New Gold Road Chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online

Discovering Familiar Elements and New Adventures in The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter

Bethesda Unveils Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Expansion

Exploring a familiar region and customizing spells await players in the latest expansion of The Elder Scrolls Online.

The Elder Scrolls Online Introduces Scribing System in Gold Road Expansion

The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road chapter is set to revolutionize player builds with the introduction of a new customization system inspired by a beloved Oblivion feature.