Exploring The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter

A hands-on look at the new Gold Road chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online, featuring a unique scribing system and intriguing lore developments.
Exploring The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter


  • Discover the diverse landscapes of Gold Road and its West Weald zone.
  • Uncover the new Daedric Prince Ithelia and delve into an engaging narrative.
  • Explore the impactful scribing system that offers customization for character builds.

The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road chapter is set to revolutionize the game with its innovative scribing system and rich lore additions that promise to shape the franchise's future narratives. Offering an extensive 30-hour story, diverse dungeons, and a challenging Trial, Gold Road showcases Zenimax's expertise in crafting immersive gameplay experiences.

Game Rant recently dived into the West Weald zone of Gold Road, rediscovering the iconic Oblivion location and immersing ourselves in the new scribing mechanics and the intriguing storyline involving the enigmatic Daedric prince. While our preview focused on solo content due to player limitations, the chapter promises a plethora of engaging quests and activities for all players.

The Varied Landscapes of Gold Road's West Weald

As The Elder Scrolls Online expands its Tamriel map, the recreation of Skingrad and the West Weald stands out for its visual allure and detailed design. From the Gothic architecture of Skingrad to the vibrant landscapes and contrasting biomes of the region, Gold Road offers a refreshing exploration experience. The zone is teeming with delves, dungeons, and dynamic events like Mirrormoor Incursions, ensuring constant engagement for players.

Unveiling a New Daedric Prince in Gold Road

Gold Road introduces players to the enigmatic Daedric Prince Ithelia, adding depth to the game's lore and setting the stage for captivating quests and conflicts. The narrative surrounding Ithelia and the sinister Recollection faction offers a compelling storyline that expands the game's universe and leaves players eager for more revelations. The questline unlocking the scribing system is a captivating journey that encourages exploration and diverse gameplay experiences.

Impactful Customization with the Scribing System

Central to Gold Road is the groundbreaking scribing system, allowing players to customize skills and abilities for unique character builds. While the system is focused on specific skill categories initially, it offers significant customization options that can enhance gameplay strategies. From altering damage types to modifying behaviors and adding statistical buffs, scribing empowers players to tailor their playstyle. Additionally, the introduction of a cosmetic system for abilities adds a new layer of visual personalization, enriching the overall gaming experience.