Exploring the New Gold Road Chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online

Discovering Familiar Elements and New Adventures in The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter
Exploring the New Gold Road Chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online


  • The Gold Road chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online takes players to the West Weald, connecting familiar locations from Oblivion and expanding on the plot from the Necrom chapter.
  • The West Weald's hub city, Skingrad, is a familiar name for Oblivion players, but the region has undergone significant changes due to the events in the narrative.
  • Players can expect around 30 hours of content in Gold Road, including numerous quests, delves, world bosses, public dungeons, and a new ESO trial called Lucent Citadel.

The Elder Scrolls Online has unveiled its upcoming chapter, Gold Road, revealing exciting details about the narrative and the new geographical setting. This latest installment continues the storyline from the Necrom chapter and introduces players to the West Weald, a region that may hold familiar elements for fans of The Elder Scrolls.

The new zone, West Weald, is located just west of Cyrodiil, linking with Reaper's March to the south, Gold Coast to the west, and Craglorn to the north. The hub city, Skingrad, known to The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion players, has undergone significant changes due to the unfolding narrative. The city now features a sizable Outlaws Refuge beneath its streets, as depicted in available screenshots for the chapter.

Events in the narrative have led to the emergence of a new jungle biome called the Valenwood Annexation, alongside the autumn-hued Gold Road and the rolling hills of the Colovian Highlands. These peculiar occurrences will lead players on an investigative journey to uncover the truth about Ithelia, a new Daedric Prince who has lost her memories and powers, and her connection with the other Daedric Princes.

Gold Road offers approximately 30 hours of content, including numerous quests, delves, world bosses, public dungeons, and a new ESO trial called Lucent Citadel. Players who have completed Necrom will also have access to special "capper quests" after Gold Road, providing a seamless continuation of the overarching storyline. However, players new to the series can still dive into the Gold Road chapter without feeling lost, as assured by Bethesda and Game Rant during an earlier preview event.