Why The Elder Scrolls Online Deviates from a 'Classic' Version

Insight from Rich Lambert, the creative director of The Elder Scrolls Online, on the rationale behind ZeniMax Online Studios' decision to abstain from launching a 'classic' iteration of the MMO.
Why The Elder Scrolls Online Deviates from a 'Classic' Version


  • The Elder Scrolls Online's omission of a classic version stems from the community's dissatisfaction with the game's earlier iterations.
  • The game's substantial advancements over time render a classic version redundant.
  • The upcoming Gold Road chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online introduces significant changes and ensures the game's longevity, solidifying its position in the MMO genre.

Rich Lambert, the creative director of The Elder Scrolls Online, has disclosed the rationale behind the absence of a classic version of the game. Approaching its 10th year, The Elder Scrolls Online boasts a vast community of millions of players, maintaining its relevance in the MMO realm.

While the concept of MMOs offering classic editions for players to relive past versions is not new, Old School RuneScape and World of Warcraft Classic being prime examples, The Elder Scrolls Online is forging a different path.

In an interview with The Gamer, Rich Lambert stated that the decision to forgo a classic version was influenced by the community's initial disapproval of the game at launch. The game's evolution over the years has been substantial, shaping it into what it is today.

The Reason Behind Skipping a 'Classic' Version

The main reason for the absence of a classic version is simple yet significant - the game's lukewarm reception at launch did not foster nostalgia among players. With continuous enhancements, The Elder Scrolls Online has carved its unique space in the gaming world, making a classic version seem unnecessary at present.

The forthcoming Gold Road chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online is poised to redefine the game's trajectory. The introduction of a new scribing system is set to revolutionize character customization and ensure the game's enduring appeal for the next decade. Despite anticipation for The Elder Scrolls 6, this MMO is anticipated to thrive for years to come.