Delving into Oblivion References in The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter

Exploring iconic Oblivion locations in The Elder Scrolls Online's latest chapter.
Delving into Oblivion References in The Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road Chapter


  • Discover how Skingrad plays a central role in the new ESO chapter.
  • Uncover hidden details in the Gold Road chapter for lore enthusiasts.
  • Meet the newly introduced Daedric Prince, Ithelia the Unseen, in this ESO expansion.

Approaching its milestone tenth year, The Elder Scrolls Online is on the brink of launching an exciting Chapter that introduces innovative systems like scribing and delves deeply into crucial lore aspects. Scheduled for a June 3 debut on PC and June 18 on consoles, The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road transports players to the familiar Oblivion setting of The West Weald region.

As The Elder Scrolls Online meticulously crafts a detailed and expansive playable version of Tamriel, it inevitably revisits locations previously seen in the series. Despite occurring a millennium before The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and 1200 years before The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, ESO retains many regions, towns, and cities from those future titles. Following a firsthand experience with the new Gold Road Chapter, Game Rant engaged in a conversation with Rich Lambert, the creative director of ESO, to discuss the portrayal of the iconic Oblivion region.

Skingrad's Significance in the Elder Scrolls Online Chapter

Integrating Oblivion references into ESO content that revisits the same locales is crucial. However, the team faces the challenge of blending homage with originality. Given ESO's status as a 1000-year prequel, the past events do not entirely dictate the team's creative direction. When focusing on Oblivion's portrayal of the West Weald, the central city of Skingrad presented an ideal opportunity for nostalgic Easter eggs. Lambert emphasized the importance of paying attention to the lore intricacies for players.

Skingrad's central location and recognition among Elder Scrolls enthusiasts made it a fitting hub for players in the Chapter. ESO's rendition of Skingrad echoes elements of its Oblivion counterpart: gothic stone structures with pointed roofs, stained glass, vineyards surrounding the city, and the imposing Castle Skingrad. The major divergence lies in the surrounding landscape, with ESO's West Weald showcasing warm autumn hues instead of the prevalent greenery in Oblivion.

Unveiling Intriguing Lore in the Gold Road Chapter

The Gold Road chapter introduces an area that addresses longstanding queries for Elder Scrolls lore enthusiasts: the jungle region of Ostumir. Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 from Oblivion hinted at Cyrodiil's ancient jungle state before Tiber Septim's transformation. The sudden appearance of a jungle in the Gold Road plot promises fresh content for lore aficionados.

Notably, the expansion unveils a new Daedric Prince, Ithelia the Unseen, a significant addition to the Daedric pantheon since Oblivion's Shivering Isles expansion. Clues for Ithelia's introduction were subtly planted in Oblivion almost two decades ago with the NPC Bruscius Longus and his cryptic line,