
Revamping Halo's Future Campaigns: Revisiting a Classic Halo 2 Element

Exploring the potential for 343 Industries to inject new life into Halo's upcoming campaigns by reintroducing a popular feature from Halo 2.

Unusual Elite Encounter in Halo 3 Goes Viral

A Redditor shares a bizarre Elite interaction during the 'The Covenant' mission in Halo 3.

Forge Users in Halo Infinite Introduce Helldivers-Inspired Cooperative Mode

Experience a new squad-based cooperative mode in Halo Infinite, influenced by Helldivers 2, meticulously crafted using the in-game Forge editor.

Halo Infinite Unveils Exciting New Content Update

Discover the latest feature-rich update in Halo Infinite, bringing balance changes and gameplay enhancements.

Unique Halo Fan Art Inspired by Clone Wars Style

Exploring a distinct piece of Halo fan art reminiscent of the original Clone Wars animated series, drawing admiration from both Star Wars and Halo enthusiasts.

Unveiling the Power Levels of Halo's Flood Creatures

Exploring the hierarchy of Flood forms in the Halo universe, from feeble to formidable.

Top TV Shows and Movies Inspired by Video Games

Exploring the evolution of screen adaptations from video games to successful entertainment.

The Evolution of Halo: Introducing Mech Suits to Master Chief

Exploring the potential game-changing concept of mech suits for Master Chief in the Halo franchise.

Top 7 Most Challenging Xbox 360 Games Published by Microsoft

Exploring the toughest games on Xbox 360 that pushed gamers to their limits, many of which were brought to you by Microsoft.

Exciting Features Unveiled in Latest Halo Infinite Update

Discover the latest details on 343 Industries' upcoming Halo Infinite update, introducing a new currency system for cosmetics, Forge enhancements, and more.

The Most Gloom-filled Conclusions in Halo Games

Discover the most heart-wrenching and tragic endings in the Halo game series.

Reviving the Halo Franchise: The Power of a Reboot

Exploring the potential benefits a Halo reboot could bring to the iconic franchise and its TV show adaptation.

Innovative Mashup: Halo Influence on Fallout Power Armor

Exploring a fan's creative blend of Halo and Fallout power armor designs.

Halo Enthusiast Crafts Impressive Life-Size Master Chief and Arbiter Statues

A committed Halo admirer designs two remarkable life-size statues of Master Chief and The Arbiter, both exhibiting exceptional craftsmanship.

Potential Sony Takeover Rumors Stir Up Halo Fans

Speculations about Sony eyeing a major Hollywood acquisition spark discussions on how it might influence the beloved Halo franchise.

Why a New Protagonist Could Revitalize the Halo Franchise

Exploring a fresh perspective by introducing a new main character in the Halo series could breathe new life into the game.

Ranking the Most Powerful Alien Species in Video Games

Discover the digital extraterrestrials that reign supreme in the gaming world.

Halo Infinite Signals Evolution Beyond Traditional Franchise Roots

Exploring how Halo Infinite signifies a departure from its origins, paving the way for new horizons in the iconic franchise.

Halo TV Show: Successful Elements That Have Impressed Fans

Exploring the surprising successes of the Halo TV show and how it captures the essence of the beloved gaming franchise.

Divergent Effects of TV Shows Based on Halo and The Last of Us Games

Exploring the contrasting outcomes of adapting The Last of Us and Halo into television series.