The Most Gloom-filled Conclusions in Halo Games

Discover the most heart-wrenching and tragic endings in the Halo game series.
The Most Gloom-filled Conclusions in Halo Games


  • Experience the emotional depth of Halo games' narratives through heartbreak and sacrifice.
  • Encounter bleak and distressing conclusions in iconic Halo titles like Reach, Combat Evolved, and Infinite.
  • Witness the relentless battles against overwhelming odds that culminate in dark and impactful endings.

Despite the occasional humor in Halo games, they primarily delve into a somber narrative of humanity's final battle against formidable alien foes. Master Chief and his allies not only combat the Covenant but also grapple with the menacing Flood and enigmatic Forerunners. While some games conclude on positive notes, many feature dark endings that linger in players' minds long after the game is over. Let's explore the most sinister conclusions in the Halo universe.

5 Halo: Infinite

Cortana's Sacrifice Leaves Chief Heartbroken

In Halo Infinite, Chief reunites with Cortana, only to witness her sacrifice to thwart Atriox's sinister plans. Cortana's poignant message to Chief emphasizes their bond and adventures, culminating in a bleak yet emotional farewell. The Legendary ending hints at looming threats, intensifying the despair.

4 Halo: Combat Evolved

Chief and Cortana Face Solemn Realizations

The closure of Halo: Combat Evolved sees Chief and Cortana grappling with the grim purpose of the Halo ring. As sacrifices are made to prevent catastrophe, the duo confronts their isolation, marking a desolate conclusion. The post-credits scene hints at an impending larger conflict, amplifying the desolation.

3 Halo Wars

Sacrifice and Solitude Haunt the Spirit of Fire Crew

In Halo Wars, Sergeant Forge's selfless act to safeguard humanity leads to a poignant sacrifice. The crew's entry into cryosleep symbolizes their forgotten heroism, encapsulating a melancholic denouement. The loss of their faster-than-light drive amplifies their desolation as they drift aimlessly in space.

2 Halo 5: Guardians

Cortana's Terrifying Ascendancy Spells Doom

Halo 5 portrays Cortana's descent into tyranny, posing a menacing threat to all organic life. The galaxy's chaos under her rule evokes a sense of hopelessness, emphasized by a haunting post-credits scene. Cortana's ominous presence against a backdrop of Forerunner technology adds to the chilling atmosphere.

1 Halo Reach

Noble Sacrifice Amidst Hopeless Battle

Halo Reach delivers a relentless and bleak narrative as Noble Team faces inevitable doom. The team's valiant yet futile struggles against the Covenant culminate in a tragic last stand, embodying despair and sacrifice. The game's poignant finale etches a somber and unforgettable conclusion in the Halo saga.