Unusual Elite Encounter in Halo 3 Goes Viral

A Redditor shares a bizarre Elite interaction during the 'The Covenant' mission in Halo 3.
Unusual Elite Encounter in Halo 3 Goes Viral


  • A player's odd encounter with an Elite in Halo 3 goes viral, showcasing the game's quirky moments.
  • The Elite's behavior in Halo 3 might be explained by a pathing glitch, adding to the game's charm.
  • Halo 3, despite its age, continues to influence the gaming industry, with ongoing updates to Halo Infinite.

One player in Halo 3 has recently posted a video of a peculiar interaction with an Elite during the game's campaign. The Halo 3 sandbox has a reputation for generating amusing incidents, and this one stands out as particularly unique.

Originally released in 2007, Halo 3 quickly became a flagship Xbox 360 exclusive. Developed by Bungie, this installment advanced the series beyond Halo 2, earning praise as one of the franchise's high points. Its later inclusion in Halo: The Master Chief Collection made this iconic multiplayer FPS accessible on Xbox One and PC, setting a standard that subsequent Halo titles strive to match.

Following the defeat of two Scarabs in the 'The Covenant' mission of Halo 3, a Reddit user known as Common-Path9076 engaged in a weapon exchange with a nearby friendly Elite. After acquiring the Elite's rocket launcher, the NPC unexpectedly sprinted off the platform edge and plummeted to its demise. This bewildering act, seemingly unrelated to the player's actions, was accompanied by a well-timed quote from 343 Guilty Spark: 'Calamity! If only we had more time.'

The Unusual Halo 3 Elite Encounter

Discussion among gamers speculated on the bizarre event, humorously suggesting that by taking the Elite's rocket launcher, the player may have inadvertently robbed it of purpose. While Halo has seen its share of glitches over the years, this incident adds to the roster of memorable moments. Beyond the jest, one player proposed a theory to rationalize the Elite's behavior in Halo 3. According to this explanation, the Elite's post-enemy pathing, intended to lead it to a specific map corner for despawning, miscalculates and directs it off the platform instead. Though speculative, this theory holds merit.

Despite nearing its 17th anniversary, Halo 3 remains influential within the gaming sphere. 343 Industries' sustained updates to Halo Infinite showcase the enduring impact of this classic. The latest update introduced The Exchange, an in-game store, hinting at continued support for Halo Infinite in the future, although no news of a new title has surfaced yet.