Ranking the Most Powerful Alien Species in Video Games

Discover the digital extraterrestrials that reign supreme in the gaming world.
Ranking the Most Powerful Alien Species in Video Games


  • Alien races in games are formidable adversaries with advanced technology and a grave menace to humanity.
  • From psychic entities to cybernetic fighters, each species possesses unique powers for domination and annihilation.
  • Games like XCOM, Halo, and Mass Effect portray epic battles between mankind and dominant alien civilizations.

Video games have long showcased a diverse array of formidable alien species, from the body horror parasites of Halo to the original pixel art aliens in Space Invaders. These games often tap into humanity's deep-seated fear of extinction, portraying aliens as superior, highly advanced, and relentless in their quest to conquer or eradicate humanity.

Invading Earth or human settlements, these games have become sci-fi classics, offering players the chance to engage in galactic warfare, fighting to the bitter end to defend humanity. Each alien race represents a monumental threat to the very existence of in-game civilizations, becoming the ultimate adversaries in the struggle for survival.

10 Shu'ulathoi

Half-Life 2

  • Alien Type: Psychic Grub-like Beings
  • Purpose: Dominating Other Races

The enigmatic Shu'ulathoi, part of The Combine collective, are believed to be the ruling species of this vast empire. Referred to as Combine Advisors, these powerful grub-like entities wield telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

Despite their lack of physical prowess, they excel in communication and leadership, guiding The Combine armies in the successful invasion of Earth. Their telekinetic powers enable them to demolish structures effortlessly. Their appearance, resembling larvae devoid of features, necessitates cybernetic enhancements for sight and touch.

9 Ethereals


  • Alien Type: Fragile Aliens with Potent Psychic Powers
  • Purpose: Enslaving Other Races under Their Dominion

The extraterrestrial beings in XCOM, known as X-Rays, are controlled by the Uber Ethereal. Initially technologically superior, they were later challenged by humanity's adaptation of alien plasma technology for weaponry creation.

From traditional Sectoids to human-like Thin-Men and imposing Mutons, all are under the dominion of the Ethereals. Despite physical frailty, their psychic capabilities surpass other races, rendering them formidable adversaries.

8 The Invaders

Space Invaders

  • Alien Type: Interdimensional Marine-like Invaders
  • Purpose: Conquest and Annihilation of Humanity

The pixelated Invaders from the classic sci-fi game hail from the Invader Dimension, aiming to conquer Earth. Their forms vary, resembling marine life such as crabs, octopuses, or squids.

Employing ruthless strategies, they decimated human civilization with relentless assaults, forcing humanity to seek refuge elsewhere. Despite their simplistic appearance, the Invaders effectively achieved their goals, compelling humanity to abandon their homeworld.