
Top 10 Most Formidable Female Bosses in Video Games

Discover the toughest female adversaries gamers encounter in their virtual quests.

Insider Insights on Why Samus Aran Never Made it to Fortnite

Discover the untold story behind the failed collaboration between Fortnite and Nintendo for a Samus Aran skin.

Ranking the Most Powerful Alien Species in Video Games

Discover the digital extraterrestrials that reign supreme in the gaming world.

Van-14: Exploring Influences from Hollow Knight and Super Metroid

Discover the essence of Metroidvanias through the eyes of developer Robin Eyre and the development of Van-14.

Super Metroid's Enduring Influence on Gaming After 30 Years

Celebrating 30 years since its SNES debut, Super Metroid remains a pivotal game that shaped the action-adventure genre and continues to inspire game developers today.

Dedicated Fan Recreating Original Metroid Game for Game Boy

A fan project aims to recreate the classic NES Metroid for the Game Boy handheld console in the style of Metroid 2.

Top Villains You'll Encounter in Metroidvania Games

Discover the most menacing foes that elevate the storytelling in the world of Metroidvanias.

Exciting Progress for Metroid Prime 4 Revealed

Insider shares positive advancements on the long-awaited game development by Nintendo and Retro Studios.

Top 10 Memorable Metroidvania Heroes, Ranked

Discover the most iconic protagonists in the Metroidvania genre, celebrated for their unique designs and gameplay experiences.

Celebrating 20 Years of Metroid: Zero Mission - A Timeless Metroidvania Classic

Reflecting on the enduring legacy of the original Metroidvania game and its continued impact on the genre.

The Top 9 Stealth Metroidvania Games You Should Play

Discover a new dimension of stealth in these engaging Metroidvania titles.

Exciting Developments in Metroid Prime 4

Recent findings by a prominent gaming news investigator suggest that Metroid Prime 4 may be approaching the final stages of its extensive development process.

The Most Notorious Villains in Nintendo's Gaming Universe

Exploring the Dark Side of Nintendo's Iconic Video Game Franchises

The Top 10 Metroidvanias Featuring Female Protagonists

Discover the thrilling adventures and engaging stories of female-led Metroidvania games.