Dedicated Fan Recreating Original Metroid Game for Game Boy

A fan project aims to recreate the classic NES Metroid for the Game Boy handheld console in the style of Metroid 2.
Dedicated Fan Recreating Original Metroid Game for Game Boy


  • A fan project called M2NES: Zebes Revisited is bringing the original NES Metroid to the Game Boy through a ROM hack.
  • The Metroid fanbase's love is evident through fan projects like AM2R and official remakes like Samus Returns.
  • M2NES introduces new content, such as the Bendezium Mines area, quality-of-life improvements, and a faithful recreation of the original game.

An enthusiast is undertaking a project to adapt the classic NES game Metroid for play on the Game Boy, reminiscent of Metroid 2: Return of Samus. The Metroid series, famous for its exploration-based gameplay, enjoys a dedicated following, despite some aspects that may not have aged well. Fans often express their passion for the series by creating new fan games or reimagining existing ones.

Notable examples of Metroid remakes include the fan-made AM2R, a comprehensive reimagining of Metroid 2: Return of Samus that aligns its gameplay more closely with Metroid: Zero Mission. Additionally, there's Metroid: Samus Returns, an official remake of the second installment developed by MercurySteam for the Nintendo 3DS. The original Metroid received a remake for the Game Boy Advance in the form of Zero Mission, featuring vibrant sprites, cutscenes, and a new segment where Samus operates incognito in her Zero suit. Now, a devoted fan is recreating the original game in the style of the more restricted Metroid 2.

This endeavor, dubbed M2NES: Zebes Revisited, is spearheaded by homebrew developer LOO-E. The project involves reimagining Metroid 1 using the engine and limitations of Metroid 2. This entails adapting the expansive and colorful NES game to the constraints of the Game Boy, including grayscale sprites and a smaller screen size. These limitations mirror those of Metroid 2, and LOO-E is embracing them in this recreation. A sneak peek trailer of this fan remake has been shared on LOO-E's YouTube channel.

Unveiling the M2NES Recreation Trailer

The trailer showcases recreated areas from the original Metroid in the style of Metroid 2, offering intriguing comparisons between the NES classic and the Game Boy adaptation. Despite compression for the smaller screen, the areas remain recognizable and faithful to the original. LOO-E has also implemented some quality-of-life enhancements, such as refill points and save rooms.

The developer tantalizingly reveals a new game section named the Bendezium Mines in M2NES, an abandoned mine of the Space Pirates, presenting Samus with fresh abilities. Players will encounter new items granting power-ups from Metroid 2 while facing off against a cadre of space pirates. The game features a color palette resembling the original NES aesthetics, akin to how it would appear on a Game Boy Color.

This fan project is slated for a 2024 release. Concerns have been raised by some fans regarding potential legal issues akin to the shutdown of Another Metroid 2 Remake in 2016. However, M2NES may have some leeway as a ROM hack, which could help circumvent legal complications.