Celebrating 20 Years of Metroid: Zero Mission - A Timeless Metroidvania Classic

Reflecting on the enduring legacy of the original Metroidvania game and its continued impact on the genre.
Celebrating 20 Years of Metroid: Zero Mission - A Timeless Metroidvania Classic


  • Metroid: Zero Mission stands as the definitive version of the original Metroidvania game, enhancing the limitations of its predecessor.
  • The foundational aspects of the Metroidvania genre, encompassing exploration, combat, and progression, were established through the NES-era games of Metroid and Castlevania.
  • The success of Metroid: Zero Mission and the recent triumph of Metroid Dread position it as a promising direction for the series, underscoring the significance of AAA Metroidvanias and the potential for future games in that style.

Today marks two decades since the introduction of Metroid: Zero Mission on the Game Boy Advance, and over the years, it has continued to assert itself as the definitive iteration of a now iconic game. Originally released in 1986 for the Famicom, and subsequently on the NES in the following year, the original Metroid stands as the progenitor of the Metroidvania genre and one of its foundational pillars. Following the success of integrating the innovations of Super Metroid into the series' first new game in years with Metroid Fusion, Nintendo replicated this triumph with Metroid: Zero Mission. Consequently, Zero Mission stands as the apex of the original Metroidvania.

Joining the ranks of esteemed titles such as Castlevania, Dragon Quest, and The Legend of Zelda, Metroid was another standout release for the Famicom in 1986. Similar to these titles, Metroid pushed the boundaries of what was achievable in a console video game, while also serving as the genesis of the Metroidvania genre, contributing to the definition of its fundamental elements. However, revisiting the original Metroid revealed certain limitations, with the absence of an overworld map being a notable drawback. By infusing Super Metroid's gameplay into the original game, Metroid: Zero Mission ascended to become a cornerstone of the genre.

Metroid: Zero Mission: A Testament to Metroidvania Essentials

Long before the emergence of Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night as the defining elements of the term