
Leaked Info: Resident Evil 9 to Feature Southeast Asian Setting

Insider leaks details on the setting of Resident Evil 9, hinting at a potential exciting twist for the popular game series.

Why Monster Hunter Wilds Could Thrive Despite 2025's Stacked Game Releases

Despite the crowded field of highly anticipated game releases in 2025, Monster Hunter Wilds may have a winning strategy based on its track record.

Could a Fantasy Twist in Resident Evil 9 Be the Game-Changer for Chris Redfield?

Rumors suggest Chris Redfield might lead the way in Resident Evil 9, and embracing fantasy elements could inject new life into the franchise.

Resident Evil: Villains That Have Slipped Under the Radar

Exploring lesser-known Resident Evil antagonists who have been overshadowed by more prominent characters.

Analyzing Dragon's Dogma 2 and Looking Ahead to Dragon's Dogma 3

Exploring the evolution of Dragon's Dogma 2 and the potential for enhancements in the upcoming Dragon's Dogma 3.

Monster Hunter Wilds Strives to Balance Action with Coziness for Fans

Ensuring an Exciting Experience without Neglecting the Series' Comforting Elements

Exciting News about Resident Evil 9 Revealed by Leaker

A well-known leaker corrects previous rumors, shares thrilling details about the upcoming Resident Evil 9 reveal.

Speculating a Potential Resident Evil 9 Nemesis-Like Enemy for Open World Setting

Recent rumors hint at an open-world concept for Resident Evil 9, leading to speculation about a fitting nemesis-like enemy type for the game.

The Future of Dragon's Dogma: A Crossroads for Innovation

With a potential third installment in the Dragon's Dogma series on the horizon, Capcom faces a critical decision that could shape the franchise's future.

Top 10 Massive Beasts in Monster Hunter Games

Discover the colossal monsters that challenge even the bravest hunters in the Monster Hunter series.

Mastering Monster Hunter Now: Long Sword for Max Damage

Long Swords in Monster Hunter Now are favored by experts for their swift strikes and counterattack abilities.

Maximizing Your Party in Dragon's Dogma 2

Discover the ideal party combinations to excel in Dragon's Dogma 2

Uncovering a Unique Pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2 with a Pulp Fiction Twist

Exploring a surprising discovery of a Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn that bears a remarkable resemblance to a character from the iconic film, Pulp Fiction.

Capcom's Characters Meet Their Demise: 6 Games Where Main Heroes Perish

Exploring the emotional impact and heroism in Capcom's storytelling through the deaths of main characters.

Reimagining the Co-op Experience in a Possible Resident Evil 5 Remake

As rumors swirl about a potential Resident Evil 5 remake, the focus should be on revamping the co-op mechanics to address past shortcomings.

Capcom To Remove Three Games on May 8th

Discover which three Capcom games are set to be removed from sale on May 8th and why fans are rushing to grab them before they're gone.

Exciting News: Akuma DLC Arriving in Street Fighter 6

Discover the latest details about Akuma's DLC release date in Street Fighter 6.

Unveiling Dragon's Dogma 2's Unique Path to Success

Exploring how Dragon's Dogma 2's controversial elements play a pivotal role in its exceptional gameplay experience.

Resident Evil 9 Faces Delay, New Projects Emerge

Insights into the delay of Resident Evil 9 and hints at potential new ventures within the iconic survival-horror series.

Why Jill Valentine's Comeback in Resident Evil Must Be Well-Timed

Bringing back Jill Valentine, a legacy Resident Evil character, requires careful consideration to ensure her return adds value to the narrative.