Capcom's Characters Meet Their Demise: 6 Games Where Main Heroes Perish

Exploring the emotional impact and heroism in Capcom's storytelling through the deaths of main characters.
Capcom's Characters Meet Their Demise: 6 Games Where Main Heroes Perish


  • Video game character deaths add depth and emotion to the story, showcasing sacrifice and heroism.
  • Capcom surprises players by fearlessly killing off major characters, creating impactful storytelling moments.
  • Character deaths in games evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impression, from sacrifices to uncovering tragic truths.

Ending a video game with the death of the main character is a bold move that can either enhance the emotional impact or leave players unsatisfied. When executed well, it adds a profound layer to the story, making the entire journey more memorable, especially if the protagonist sacrifices themselves for a higher cause.

Capcom, known for sparing major characters, has still ventured into character deaths in some of their games. Let's delve into these moments to understand how they unfolded and why these heroes met a tragic fate at the end of their adventures.

6 Dead Rising 2 (Chuck Greene)

Chuck's Final Stand Against a Zombified Threat in Dead Rising 2

In Dead Rising 2, Chuck Greene must not only survive a zombie-infested city but also protect his infected daughter, Katy. Throughout the game, players scavenge for Zombrex to save Katy while uncovering the outbreak's origins.

In a selfless act, Chuck sacrifices himself to allow others, especially his daughter, to escape a zombified threat, showcasing his unwavering care for their safety.

5 Dragon's Dogma (The Arisen)

The Arisen's Fateful Decision to End a Vicious Cycle in Dragon's Dogma

In Dragon's Dogma, the protagonist faces a destiny to confront a dragon and halt its destructive reign. The final choice involves the Arisen ending their own life to break a recurring cycle, aligning with the game's theme of challenging norms.

Despite the gut-wrenching end, the protagonist's sacrifice resonates with the story's core, emphasizing the will to defy traditions for the greater good.

4 Resident Evil 6 (Piers)

Piers' Sacrifice Against a Monstrous Threat in Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6 introduces Piers, who infects himself to save his comrade, Chris, from a formidable enemy. Piers' unexpected demise marks a poignant moment, deviating from his potential future as a series regular.

Capcom's decision to end Piers' journey showcases his selflessness and loyalty, making his sacrifice one of the most heartfelt in the franchise.