Could a Fantasy Twist in Resident Evil 9 Be the Game-Changer for Chris Redfield?

Rumors suggest Chris Redfield might lead the way in Resident Evil 9, and embracing fantasy elements could inject new life into the franchise.
Could a Fantasy Twist in Resident Evil 9 Be the Game-Changer for Chris Redfield?


  • Introducing fantasy elements could revitalize Chris Redfield's character in Resident Evil 9.
  • Facing unprecedented foes in a fantasy setting could bring a fresh challenge for Chris Redfield.
  • Exploring a new realm filled with mystical threats could set Resident Evil 9 apart from its predecessors.

In June 2023, a Twitter user named Chris Marx caused a stir by leaking significant details about the yet-to-be-announced Resident Evil 9. According to Marx, the game is slated for a 2024 release and will center around Chris Redfield as the main playable character. While the return of a beloved character like Chris is thrilling, Capcom must ensure the game doesn't play it too safe if these rumors hold true.

It's been a while since Chris Redfield took the lead in the Resident Evil series. While fans would welcome his comeback in Resident Evil 9, there's a risk of the game feeling overly familiar. To keep things exciting, Capcom could innovate by placing Chris in entirely uncharted territory.

Shaking Things Up with a Fantasy Twist in Resident Evil 9

Chris Redfield's History of Battling Terrifying Yet Realistic Enemies

Since his debut in 1996's original Resident Evil, Chris Redfield has confronted nightmarish creatures, from mutated spiders and sharks to the monstrous Tyrant bio-weapon. The series has evolved, introducing more fantastical foes like the tentacled monstrosities in Resident Evil 5, albeit with scientific explanations to maintain a sense of realism.

Chris Redfield's Encounter with Unfamiliar Foes in a Fantasy Realm

A rumored shift towards folklore-inspired enemies, like the Wendigo with its human-like speech mimicry, could present a unique challenge for Chris in Resident Evil 9. Placing him in a fantasy world with castles, dungeons, and mystical threats would mark a departure from the franchise's traditional settings, promising an entirely new adventure for the iconic hero.