Mastering Monster Hunter Now: Long Sword for Max Damage

Long Swords in Monster Hunter Now are favored by experts for their swift strikes and counterattack abilities.
Mastering Monster Hunter Now: Long Sword for Max Damage


  • Long Swords offer quick counterattacks and high damage output.
  • Choosing the right Long Sword and armor combination is crucial for success.
  • Mastering skills like Lock On, Special Boost, and Critical Eye can enhance Long Sword performance.

To stand a chance against the formidable creatures in Monster Hunter Now, it's essential to wield powerful weapons and equip your warrior with top-notch armor. These tools are vital for defeating the monstrous foes that cross your path.

Currently, there are nine weapon classes available, catering to various playstyles, from the swift Sword and Shield to the versatile Light Bowgun. Each weapon class has its unique strengths and weaknesses, allowing players to adopt different combat strategies. For those who favor quick counterattacks, the Long Sword stands out as the weapon of choice. Not only is it the most popular among Monster Hunter Now enthusiasts, but it also excels in dishing out rapid and punishing blows.

Mastering the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Now

Early in your Monster Hunter Now journey, defeating field beasts with basic weapons is a breeze. However, as you progress, elemental classes and status effects introduced by monsters pose greater challenges. Adequate preparation, including acquiring the best weapons and honing your skills, will be the key to triumph. This guide delves into the top Long Sword options and optimal armor combinations for Long Sword wielders.

Best Long Swords

  • Jyura Shotel - Ideal for Water-based attacks, the Jyura Shotel enhances defense with the Level 1 Last Stand skill, triggered when HP drops below 29%.
  • Glacial Shotel - This weapon excels against monsters weak to Ice-based attacks and provides damage reduction with the Devine Blessing skill.
  • Usurper's Boltslicer - A Thunder-based Long Sword with high elemental attack power and the Artful Dodger skill for evasive maneuvers, culminating in a devastating special attack when the SP Gauge is full.
  • Wyvern Blade "Fall" - Featuring Level 1 Earplugs to counter monster roars and potent Fire-based attacks, this Long Sword is a top choice for taking down a variety of monsters.

Best Armor for Long Sword Users

  • Kulu Headpiece - Enhances precision with the Lock On skill, aiding in targeting monster weak points for swift takedowns.
  • Anja Mail - Boosts weapon and armor skills marginally with the Special Boost ability, crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of quick weapons like the Long Sword.
  • Pukei Mail - Provides poison resistance and accelerates the special gauge buildup with the Focus skill, offering versatility in combat situations.
  • Rathian Vambraces - Amplifies the Lock On skill and boosts attack power with the Burst skill, ideal for landing consecutive powerful blows with the Long Sword.
  • Girros Vambraces - Offers Earplugs and Sneak Attack skills, preventing disruptions from monster roars and enhancing attacks from behind the monster.
  • Kadachi Coil - Complements Thunder-based attacks with the Thunder Attack skill, escalating damage output significantly for electrifying encounters.
  • Rathalos Coil - Enhances Fire-elemental attacks, synergizing well with the Wyvern Blade "Fall" and emphasizing the importance of the Focus skill.
  • Kulu Greaves - Essential for Long Sword users, boosting critical hit rates with the Critical Eye skill, thereby increasing damage per second consistently.

Monster Hunter Now is free to play on mobile devices, offering a thrilling hunting experience for players to enjoy.