Uncovering a Unique Pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2 with a Pulp Fiction Twist

Exploring a surprising discovery of a Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn that bears a remarkable resemblance to a character from the iconic film, Pulp Fiction.
Uncovering a Unique Pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2 with a Pulp Fiction Twist


  • Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2 play a crucial role in assisting players during battles and in locating rare items.
  • Players can craft their personal pawn using a character creator and share them within the game for others to encounter.
  • A player stumbled upon a Pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2 that strikingly resembled Samuel L. Jackson's character from Pulp Fiction, sparking excitement among fans.

One Dragon’s Dogma 2 enthusiast recently stumbled upon a Pawn that strikingly resembles Jules, portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction. Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are indispensable allies, aiding players in conquering formidable foes and uncovering elusive treasures.

When embarking on their Dragon’s Dogma 2 journey, players create their initial Pawn as part of a tutorial, while additional NPCs can be recruited through The Rift. These Rift Pawns encompass a blend of user-generated and Capcom-designed characters, available for hire to enrich any party composition. The flexibility to design hireable Pawns has led to the emergence of diverse and distinctive creations within Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Reddit user VermilionX88 identified an extraordinary Pawn within Dragon’s Dogma 2 that bears a striking resemblance to Samuel L. Jackson’s character from Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. This character, complete with an intense gaze and a distinctive mustache, drew comparisons to Jackson’s iconic portrayal of Jules Winnfield. The discovery garnered significant attention, accumulating over 2.3k upvotes and eliciting enthusiastic responses from fans. Some users even requested the character code for easy integration into their Dragon’s Dogma 2 party, bypassing the extensive search within The Rift.

Unveiling a Remarkable Resemblance to a Pulp Fiction Icon

Despite the robust character customization tools in Capcom's latest RPG, the company has outlined plans for future updates to enhance the Pawn system in Dragon’s Dogma 2. The most recent update introduces improvements to Pawns, enhancing their combat support, especially in grappling situations, and expanding dialogue options.

However, concerns persist among players regarding the performance issues in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Capcom has acknowledged a framerate drop on the PC version when numerous NPCs are loaded. While a resolution timeline remains uncertain, some players have resorted to eliminating NPCs to prevent excessive spawning.

Despite the initial challenges, Dragon’s Dogma 2 achieved an impressive milestone of 2.5 million sales within its debut week. As more players delve into Capcom’s immersive RPG and experiment with the extensive character creation features, the community can anticipate encountering further imaginative Pawns akin to the notable discovery by VermilionX88 within The Rift.