Horizon: Zero Dawn

Maintaining Tradition: Why Horizon 3 Should Stick to Post-Launch DLCs

Exploring the Importance of Continuing the Horizon Series' Post-Launch DLC Trend in Aloy's Ongoing Saga

Maintaining the Combat Balance in the Next Horizon Sequel

Preserving the intricate combat system of Horizon Forbidden West is crucial for the success of the upcoming sequel.

Balancing the Future of Horizon's Franchise Expansion

Exploring the potential of the Horizon series while ensuring quality over quantity.

Top Picks: RPGs with Exceptional Environmental Storytelling

Discover how these RPGs excel in immersive environmental storytelling, adding depth and mystery to their open-world settings.

Expanding Horizon 3: Embracing Diverse Mini-Games

Exploring the potential for a wider array of mini-games in the upcoming Horizon 3 game.

The Evolution of Horizon's Visuals on PC: A Promising Trend

Exploring how the transition of Horizon games to PC showcases a bright future for the series' graphics.

The PvP Potential in Horizon's Multiplayer Game Through Tribal Conflicts

Exploring the PvP possibilities in Horizon's upcoming multiplayer game set in a world rich with tribal tensions.

Exploring Horizon Forbidden West Graphics: PC vs. PS5

Discovering the differences in visual performance between Horizon: Forbidden West on PC and PS5.

Why Strategic Release Plans Are Crucial for GreedFall 2's Success

Learn why GreedFall 2 needs to carefully plan its release date to avoid competition overlap and maximize impact.

Predicting Potential Themes for a Horizon 3 Expansion

Exploring Elemental and Weather Themes in Horizon's Future Expansions

Exciting Release for Horizon Forbidden West on PC

A thrilling day awaits on March 21 for Horizon Forbidden West, as the beloved sequel makes its way to a new platform.

Top 10 Most Challenging Post-Apocalyptic Game Worlds to Survive

Surviving in these post-apocalyptic settings would be a daunting and perilous ordeal for anyone who dares to venture into these virtual worlds.

Exploring a Bold Ending for Horizon 3

Crafting a unique conclusion for Aloy's journey in Horizon 3 could redefine the franchise's future.

5 Video Games with Realistic End-Of-The-World Scenarios

Exploring how video games depict the end of the world with a touch of realism and authenticity.

Evolving Monster Hunter Combat with Inspiration from Horizon

Exploring how Monster Hunter Wilds can enhance its combat dynamics by drawing inspiration from Horizon's innovative approach to utilizing broken machine parts in combat.

Could Horizon 3's Team Face a Fate Similar to Project Zero Dawn?

Exploring the potential parallels between Aloy's team in Horizon 3 and the tragic fate of Project Zero Dawn.

Revamping Melee Combat: Ideas for Horizon Forbidden West's Sequel

Exploring new possibilities to enhance Aloy's melee combat in the upcoming sequel of Horizon Forbidden West.

Revolutionizing Machine Strike in Horizon 3 for PS6

Exploring the potential enhancements to Machine Strike mini-game in the upcoming Horizon 3 game.

What's Coming Up for the Horizon Franchise in 2024

Although 2024 may seem quieter for the Horizon franchise, there are still exciting developments and potential collaboration opportunities on the horizon.

What to Expect from the Antagonist in Horizon 3 and its Ties to Elisabet Sobeck in Zero Dawn

Discover how the potential antagonist Nemesis could reshape the role of a familiar character from Horizon Zero Dawn in the upcoming Horizon 3.