Revamping Melee Combat: Ideas for Horizon Forbidden West's Sequel

Exploring new possibilities to enhance Aloy's melee combat in the upcoming sequel of Horizon Forbidden West.
Revamping Melee Combat: Ideas for Horizon Forbidden West's Sequel


  • Aloy's spear, the primary melee weapon in the Horizon series, lacks versatility in close combat, urging the need for significant improvements.
  • As enemies in Horizon Forbidden West become more formidable, the melee combat system needs an overhaul to empower Aloy's fighting capabilities.
  • The sequel to Forbidden West could revolutionize melee combat by introducing new weapons or a hybrid system allowing ranged weapons to double as melee tools.

Melee combat in Guerrilla Games' Horizon series has often taken a backseat, overshadowed by the focus on ranged combat. Aloy's spear, initially introduced with limited functionality in Horizon Zero Dawn, received minor upgrades in Horizon Forbidden West, offering basic combo attacks. However, the melee experience still feels underwhelming.

While the emphasis on ranged combat is understandable given Aloy's proficiency with a bow, the aggressive enemies in Horizon Forbidden West underscore the necessity for an enhanced melee system. As development progresses for the sequel, it's crucial for Guerrilla to reevaluate Aloy's melee capabilities.

Aloy's Spear: The Sole Melee Weapon

Aloy's spear stands as the exclusive melee weapon in the Horizon series. In Horizon Zero Dawn, it served various purposes like stealth attacks and machine Overrides but fell short in direct combat. Despite improvements in Forbidden West, its limitations persist, especially against the tougher foes that demand close-quarter engagements.

Enhancing Melee Combat in the Sequel

Adding Diversity with More Melee Weapons

While Aloy excels in ranged combat, escalating threats in the sequel may necessitate additional melee options. Introducing new melee weapons could introduce fresh mechanics, enriching the combat experience and catering to melee enthusiasts.

Introducing Hybrid Weaponry

With Aloy's array of ranged arsenal expanding, a sequel could explore hybrid weapons, enabling ranged tools to serve as melee instruments. This approach maintains combat versatility without overwhelming players with an excessive arsenal, revitalizing the melee system and addressing fan feedback.

As Forbidden West's sequel takes shape, the focus on melee combat is poised for enhancement based on player input. The evolving melee mechanics showcase Guerrilla's commitment to refining all aspects of Horizon. Introducing hybrid weaponry or new melee options could be the key to elevating the series' combat dynamics.