Top Picks: RPGs with Exceptional Environmental Storytelling

Discover how these RPGs excel in immersive environmental storytelling, adding depth and mystery to their open-world settings.
Top Picks: RPGs with Exceptional Environmental Storytelling


  • Uncover hidden stories and details in Cyberpunk 2077 beyond the bright lights of Night City.
  • Piece together humanity's fate in Horizon: Zero Dawn through environmental clues and a sense of abandonment.
  • Witness the passing of time in Fallout 4 through failed settlements and pre-war remnants.

Environmental storytelling plays a crucial role in games, allowing players to uncover narrative elements as they explore, creating a more immersive experience. This storytelling technique is particularly significant in open-world games, where players can discover stories organically rather than having them explicitly laid out.

Within the realm of RPGs, environmental storytelling becomes even more vital due to the extensive time players invest in these vast worlds. Without engaging details or embedded stories, the gameplay could feel monotonous. Here are some standout RPGs that master the art of environmental storytelling:

7 Cyberpunk 2077

Explore Night City's Hidden Stories

Cyberpunk 2077 immerses players in Night City, revealing layers of the world's narrative through its design. While the city initially appears vibrant, further exploration uncovers its darker, neglected aspects, hinting at a more complex reality. The presence of random corpses and decaying structures adds depth to the city's history, making it feel authentically lived-in.

In Cyberpunk 2077, environmental storytelling enriches the player's experience, offering subtle hints and lore for those willing to venture off the beaten path.

6 Horizon: Zero Dawn

Unveil Humanity's Story Through the World

Horizon: Zero Dawn challenges players to uncover the mysteries of a post-apocalyptic world. The game's setting, with snow-covered cities and roaming robotic creatures, hints at a catastrophic event that reshaped humanity. Through exploration, players piece together the narrative of a world reclaimed by nature.

Environmental storytelling in Horizon: Zero Dawn paints a haunting picture of a forgotten civilization, immersing players in a world teeming with secrets and unanswered questions.

5 Red Dead Redemption 2

Reflecting Changes Through the Environment

Red Dead Redemption 2 sets a somber tone through its evolving environment. From the hardships of camp life to the desolate beauty of the Heartlands, the game mirrors its narrative arc in its surroundings. As players progress, the world darkens, mirroring the characters' journey into turmoil.

The environmental storytelling in Red Dead Redemption 2 masterfully intertwines setting and mood, creating a poignant backdrop that echoes the game's narrative themes.