Evolving Monster Hunter Combat with Inspiration from Horizon

Exploring how Monster Hunter Wilds can enhance its combat dynamics by drawing inspiration from Horizon's innovative approach to utilizing broken machine parts in combat.
Evolving Monster Hunter Combat with Inspiration from Horizon


  • Monster Hunter Wilds can introduce a groundbreaking combat strategy by adopting Horizon's Heavy Weapons mechanic.
  • Incorporating Horizon's gameplay mechanics could revolutionize Monster Hunter Wilds by utilizing monster parts as unique weapons.
  • By infusing Horizon's creativity, Monster Hunter Wilds can offer players a fresh and engaging experience in monster-hunting gameplay.

Monster Hunter Wilds, the upcoming addition to the Monster Hunter series, is generating significant excitement among both loyal fans and newcomers. While details about Monster Hunter Wilds remain scarce, it is expected to be a monumental release in 2025, fueled by the series' escalating popularity over the past six years. Players can anticipate engaging in thrilling monster hunts and crafting distinctive gear sets, hallmarks of the franchise.

The Monster Hunter series revolves around a gameplay mechanic where players target specific monster parts to break them, enhancing the chances of acquiring particular materials. While this tactic adds a layer of strategy to epic battles, there is untapped potential in leveraging breakable parts further. Monster Hunter Wilds could draw inspiration from Guerrilla Games' Horizon series, exploring innovative ways to incorporate breakable parts into gameplay mechanics, a shift that would distinguish it from previous Monster Hunter titles.

Revolutionizing Combat Dynamics

Utilizing Broken Parts as Weapons

In Horizon Forbidden West and Horizon Zero Dawn, players can dismantle specific machine components to obtain unique crafting materials necessary for gear enhancement. Unlike the Monster Hunter series, Horizon permits players to repurpose these broken machine parts as Heavy Weapons to combat other machines effectively. This strategic approach proves invaluable when facing formidable foes, especially when conventional ammunition is depleted.

Various Heavy Weapons in Horizon originate from different machines, tailored to the weaponry used by these machines against players. For instance, players can acquire Disc Launchers from Thunderjaws by targeting the machine's shoulders with Tear ammo. Similarly, Ravager Cannons can be obtained by focusing on the weapon mounted on a Ravager's back.

These salvaged Heavy Weapons can be wielded against machines, mirroring how they were initially used against players. Such combat mechanics empower players to strategically aim their shots, ensuring optimal damage output while gaining access to potent weapons during encounters.

Infusing Innovation into Monster Hunter Wilds

While Monster Hunter's creatures lack the technological complexity of Horizon's machines, there is potential to introduce mechanics akin to Horizon's Heavy Weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds. For instance, players could utilize a monster's poison gland to inflict poison or wield a monster's claw as a dagger. Additionally, a monster's tail could double as a weapon resembling a Great Sword. These creative adaptations could redefine combat and part-breaking dynamics in the Monster Hunter universe.

Details regarding new monsters, combat features, and gear additions in Monster Hunter Wilds remain undisclosed. To propel the series forward, Capcom could explore incorporating innovative mechanics from titles like Horizon to enhance the overall combat experience and captivate players with fresh gameplay dynamics.