Half-Life 2

Ranking the Most Powerful Alien Species in Video Games

Discover the digital extraterrestrials that reign supreme in the gaming world.

Enhance Your Gaming Experience with HD Texture Packs

Discover how HD texture packs can breathe new life into classic PC games with outdated graphics.

Louis Gossett Jr, Voice of Vortigaunts in Half-Life 2, Passes Away

The legendary Louis Gossett Jr, the first black man to win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor and known for his role as the Vortigaunts voice in Half-Life 2, has passed away at the age of 87.

Top RPGs Featuring Rebel Leader Protagonists

Explore unique worlds from the eyes of a rebellion leader in these RPG titles.

Top 9 FPS Games Featuring Impressive Physics

Experience immersive physics in these first-person shooters that add a layer of excitement to gameplay.

Rediscovering the Joy: Classic Video Games Still Enjoyable After 20 Years

Exploring the enduring appeal of iconic games that continue to captivate players even two decades later.

Top FPS Games of the 2000s

Exploring the iconic first-person shooter games that defined the gaming landscape of the 2000s.

Half-Life 2 Receives Impressive Overhaul

An enthusiastic fan project aims to give Half-Life 2 a modern revamp with enhanced visuals and ray tracing.