Top RPGs Featuring Rebel Leader Protagonists

Explore unique worlds from the eyes of a rebellion leader in these RPG titles.
Top RPGs Featuring Rebel Leader Protagonists


  • Experience inspiring stories of underdogs fighting against oppressors in video game rebellions.
  • Challenge your perceptions of good and evil as protagonists face ethical dilemmas in leading revolts.
  • Step into the shoes of characters like Markus from Detroit: Become Human and Ajay from Far Cry 4, navigating complex moral choices.

Video games excel at portraying rebellions for two key reasons. Firstly, they offer captivating narratives of underdogs standing up against tyrannical forces. Secondly, they force players to reconsider their views on the adversaries they encounter in-game. Some foes are blatantly evil, while others blur the lines between good and bad, prompting gamers to question their role as a 'hero'.

These aspects are magnified in games where the main character not only belongs to a resistance movement but also leads it. What decisions will they be compelled to make? What burdens of expectations and public opinion do they carry? How successful are they in toppling the ruling elite? These games delve deep into exploring these themes.

6 Freedom Fighters

Christopher Stone Emerges as the Freedom Phantom

Was Christopher Stone simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was his presence pivotal? A plumber by trade, he transforms into the 'Freedom Phantom' after the Soviet Union invades New York. The plot twist in Freedom Fighters reveals that Mr. Jones, the architect of Chris' success, is a KGB operative exploiting the resistance for personal gain. Chris then fully embraces his role, rallying supporters to his cause. The game culminates in their victory, setting the stage for the impending conflict.

5 Detroit: Become Human

Markus Leads the Android Revolution

In a near-future setting, androids are relegated to second-class status, performing menial tasks for humans. When these androids start exhibiting sentience, a rebellion brews. Markus, one of the central figures in Detroit: Become Human, rises as the voice of the android uprising, advocating for their rights. Players determine the nature of his movement – peaceful or aggressive – leading to diverse story outcomes. Markus' impassioned speeches force humanity to contemplate the essence of 'being real'.

4 Far Cry 4

Ajay Ghale Navigates Moral Quandaries in Revolution

Far Cry 4 underscores the messy nature of rebellion, featuring ethical dilemmas, ambiguous power dynamics, and civilian casualties. Ajay Ghale, though not the official leader of the Golden Path, emerges as a key figure. Player choices shape the Path's destiny, leaving them to ponder the righteousness of their decisions. The game challenges the concept of a 'right' side in a conflict that lacks clear-cut morality.

3 Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

B.J. Blazkowics Takes Charge of the Anti-Nazi Resistance

The Wolfenstein series envisions an alternate history where Nazis rule the world post-World War II victory. B.J. Blazkowics, a Jewish-American soldier, assumes leadership in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus following a tragic loss. Despite the personal grief, Blazkowics steps up as a pivotal figure in the resistance, earning his place through valor and sacrifice.

2 XCOM 2

Guide Humanity's Last Stand as the Commander

In XCOM 2, humanity faces enslavement by alien forces after losing the war depicted in the first game. The XCOM organization transforms into a resistance faction, with players assuming the role of the Commander. Tasked with orchestrating humanity's final stand against the alien oppressors, the Commander strives to rally global support. Uncovering corruption within the alien regime becomes crucial in tipping the scales in humanity's favor.

1 Half-Life 2

Gordon Freeman Leads the Fight Against the Combine

Gordon Freeman, an accidental hero, finds himself thrust into a legendary role in Half-Life 2. Awakening to a world that reveres him as a symbol of resistance, he assumes command in the battle against the oppressive Combine regime. Despite his reluctance for the spotlight, Freeman commits to finishing what he started, embodying the essence of an unassuming hero thrust into extraordinary circumstances.