EA Motive

The Emotional Rollercoaster of the Dead Space Franchise's Revival

Recent rumors suggest the Dead Space franchise might be put on hold again, but there's a silver lining to this potential bittersweet ending.

Dead Space's Departure Sets the Stage for Battlefield's Success

EA's strategic shift towards Battlefield's development hints at a promising future, as Dead Space makes way for new opportunities.

The Countdown Begins: EA Motive's Iron Man Reveal Imminent

Fans have been eagerly awaiting the full reveal of EA Motive's Iron Man game ever since its announcement in October 2022. Recent hints suggest the big reveal could be just around the corner.

Exciting Feature Revealed for Iron Man Video Game by Motive Studio

A recent EA job listing unveils an intriguing addition set for the new single-player Iron Man game from Motive Studio.

Why EA Motive's Iron Man Game Should Embrace Spider-Man 2's Quirky Feature

Exploring the potential benefits of incorporating Spider-Man 2's action figure photo mode into EA Motive's Iron Man game.

Exciting Update on Iron Man Game Development

EA Motive shares positive progress on the highly-anticipated Iron Man game, ensuring fans that the project is on track.

EA Motive's Iron Man Game: A Fresh Take on Pepper Potts for MCU Fans

Exploring how EA Motive's Iron Man game could introduce a new perspective on a key character compared to the MCU.

Why EA's Iron Man Game Should Embrace the MCU's Origin Story

Exploring the benefits of aligning EA's Iron Man game more closely with the MCU's narrative origins.

Why EA's Iron Man Game Should Explore a Fresh Setting Inspired by the 'Superior' Storyline

Discover how the controversial Superior Iron Man run can influence EA's exciting new Iron Man game.

Revitalizing Necromorphs in a Dead Space 2 Remake

Exploring the potential enhancements for the iconic monsters in a possible Dead Space 2 remake.

The Complexities of Remaking Dead Space 2: Navigating Dark Content and Narrative Challenges

Exploring the potential hurdles faced in remaking Dead Space 2, particularly in handling its darker themes and narrative intricacies.

EA Motive’s Iron Man Game: Embracing Dead Space Mechanics

How EA Motive's Iron Man game can draw inspiration from Dead Space mechanics to create a unique gameplay experience.

Reviving the Dead Space Franchise: Why EA Motive Should Lead the Charge

The success of the Dead Space remake demonstrates the potential for EA Motive to take the franchise to new heights with a genuine sequel.

Reimagining Dead Space: Embracing the Legacy of Isaac Clarke

Embracing Isaac Clarke's role and engineering skills is crucial for the success of future Dead Space-like titles.

Rethinking the Dead Space Remake: EA Motive's Strategy

Revisiting the success of Dead Space Remake and its potential impact on the future of the series

Challenges of Revamping Dead Space 2

Overcoming the Struggle to Stand Out in the Dead Space 2 Remake

Marvel Games: Exciting Updates and Reveals for 2024

Keep an eye out for potential big reveals and exciting updates for Marvel games in 2024.

Marvel's Black Panther Game by EA Cliffhanger: A Mystery in the Making

The upcoming Black Panther game by EA's new studio, Cliffhanger Games, is shrouded in uncertainty, leaving fans eager for more information and eagerly anticipating its unique direction.

The Potential of EA Motive’s Iron Man Game and the Hulkbuster Suit

Exploring the Exciting Possibilities for Iron Man’s Hulkbuster Armor in the Upcoming Game

Marvel’s Blade Sets an Example for Unrevealed Marvel Games

Marvel's Blade leads the way for other unannounced Marvel games to follow suit.