Rethinking the Dead Space Remake: EA Motive's Strategy

Revisiting the success of Dead Space Remake and its potential impact on the future of the series
Rethinking the Dead Space Remake: EA Motive's Strategy


  • The success of the Dead Space remake may lead EA Motive to focus on remaking the original trilogy instead of creating a new entry, potentially hindering the series' progress.
  • The original Dead Space trilogy's demise was caused by over-modernization and a shift away from what fans loved about the series, which should be considered when remaking the games.
  • Fans of the series are eager for a new entry. EA Motive should invest in the future of the series rather than dwelling on the past.

Following the triumphant return of 2023's remastered version of Dead Space, the spotlight has once again shone brightly on the revered series. Despite the commendations it received, there are concerns that the success of Dead Space Remake might steer EA Motive in the wrong direction, potentially hindering the series' evolution.

While the resurgence of Dead Space was a cause for celebration among fans, there is a growing apprehension that the focus on remaking previous titles may impede the series' progression. The original trilogy's decline was largely attributed to excessive modernization, steering away from the elements that resonated with the fanbase. Hence, it is imperative to deliberate on this while contemplating the remake of the games.

Challenges of Revamping the Dead Space Trilogy

The original Dead Space trilogy, revered in the realm of survival horror, serves as a cautionary tale on the perils of excessive modernization. While the first installment captivated gamers with its unique scares and dismemberment mechanics, the subsequent release, Dead Space 2, elevated the series' core mechanics to new heights. However, the introduction of action-horror elements and a local co-op campaign in Dead Space 3

Remaking the Dead Space trilogy runs the risk of replicating the original series' fate unless the games can truly distinguish themselves from their predecessors. Additionally, the success of Dead Space Remake largely stemmed from its incorporation and enhancement of core features from its sequels, posing a challenge for potential remakes of Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3.

Realigning Focus for the Future

Although the revitalization of Dead Space through the 2023 remake reignited fervor among fans, it should serve as a catalyst for contemplating the viability of a fourth entry rather than a trilogy remake. The clamor for a new installment in the series is palpable, and the success of the remake underscores the series' enduring relevance in the modern gaming landscape. Consequently, the emphasis should shift towards investing in the future of the Dead Space series, rather than revisiting its past. The prospect of a fourth entry in the franchise remains a beacon of hope until an official announcement materializes.