Marvel’s Blade Sets an Example for Unrevealed Marvel Games

Marvel's Blade leads the way for other unannounced Marvel games to follow suit.
Marvel’s Blade Sets an Example for Unrevealed Marvel Games


  • Marvel's Blade sets an example by sharing concept art that provides insight into the game's atmosphere and narrative.
  • Other Marvel games like Iron Man and Black Panther could benefit from sharing concept art to generate excitement and provide more details.
  • It remains to be seen if Skydance and EA will reveal any concept art before their Marvel games' official reveals.

Right now, there are numerous intriguing Marvel games to look forward to while DC might need to pick up the pace a bit. Even though DC may have undisclosed games in development, the announced Marvel games may still be far from release. It’s crucial for these games to be publicly announced to attract more development talent, but their announcements may not include reveals, and it could be a while before they are officially revealed with gameplay.

Marvel’s Blade finds itself in a similar situation. Arkane revealed the mature, third-person action game at The Game Awards 2023 with an actual teaser, which is more than what most previously announced Marvel games have shared. Skydance teased its four-protagonist WW2 game, while EA Motive and EA Cliffhanger have only shared obscure key art images. Marvel’s Blade recently showcased a few pieces of concept art, setting an example for other Marvel games to do the same.

All Announced Yet Unrevealed Marvel Games Should Share Concept Art Like Marvel’s Blade

Marvel’s Blade’s Concept Art Helps Inform What the Game Will Be Like

Marvel’s Blade’s announcement teaser provided an insightful look at the game's atmosphere and narrative, showcasing a futuristic dystopia in Paris overrun by vampires, where civilians live their lives during the day but hide during a nightly curfew. Blade's iconic sunglasses and weapons were also highlighted. Shortly after the teaser, Arkane released concept art for Marvel’s Blade, showcasing Blade stalking Paris and offering a glimpse of the city beneath an authoritarian security regime with rampant vampires.

Skydance, EA, and Others Should All Follow Suit

There is much to glean from these concepts, and it would be great to see EA Motive’s Iron Man game, EA Cliffhanger’s Black Panther game, and Skydance’s WW2 Marvel game receive similar treatments. Concept art for Skydance’s WW2 game could offer closer looks at its protagonists or settings, while Iron Man and Black Panther games could greatly benefit from concept art, given the scarcity of information about them. While cinematic teasers might be the more conventional approach, having concept art would provide fans with more material to anticipate in the near future.