Dying Light 2

Unveiling the Challenging Nightmare Mode in Dying Light 2

Discover the intense Nightmare Mode in Dying Light 2's recent update, designed for daring players seeking an extreme gaming experience.

Revamping Dying Light 2 DLC to Match the Original's Best Addition

Exploring the potential for Dying Light 2 DLCs to reach the heights set by the original game's The Following DLC.

Revamping Zombie Gaming: Time for a New Wave of Innovation

After the success of Dying Light 2 and Dead Island 2, it's clear that the zombie gaming realm is ripe for fresh ideas and experiences.

Exciting Changes Ahead: Dying Light 2 Introduces Nightmare Mode Update

Prepare for a challenging new gameplay experience in Dying Light 2 as Nightmare Mode makes a comeback in the upcoming content update.

Top Games to Play on Linux

Discover the best games available for Linux and how to enjoy them on your system.

Top 5 Deadliest Slashers in Dying Light 2

Discover the most lethal slashing weapons that can slice through zombies effortlessly in Dying Light 2.

Unveiling the Finest Blunt Weapons in Dying Light 2

Discover the world of blunt weapons in Dying Light 2 - slower but powerful, perfect for defense and heavy hits.

Uncovering Hidden Weapons in Dying Light 2

Exploring the rare and quirky secret weapons of Dying Light 2 that add a unique touch to gameplay.

Top Ranged Weapons in Dying Light 2

While Dying Light 2 doesn't heavily promote the use of ranged weapons, here are the top choices if you need them.

Enhance Your Dying Light 2 Experience with These Top Gameplay Mods

Discover how these mods can take your Dying Light 2 gameplay to the next level.

Check Out the Latest Update for Dying Light 2

Techland introduces a new update for Dying Light 2, addressing various bugs that came with the recent Firearms Update.

Dead Island 2 Shakes Up the Competition Against Dying Light 2

Recent moves by Dead Island 2 have set a new challenge for Dying Light 2 in their long-standing rivalry.

Techland Rolls Out Exciting Firearms Update for Dying Light 2

Discover the latest 'Firearms Update' for Dying Light 2, featuring new weapons, missions, and bug fixes to enhance gameplay.

Exciting News: Dying Light 2 Hosts First Free Weekend on Steam

Join in the celebration of Dying Light 2's second anniversary and the Firearms Update with its inaugural free weekend on Steam.

A Look at Dying Light 2's Second Anniversary Celebrations

Techland marks over two years since the release of Dying Light 2 with exciting new updates and events.

Exploring the Latest Dying Light 2 Firearms Update

Discover the new gun types and additional content introduced in Dying Light 2's highly anticipated Firearms Update by Techland.

Techland Unveils Dying Light 2 Reloaded Edition and Firearms Update

Discover the latest content and launch date for Dying Light 2's Reloaded Edition and Firearms Update from Techland.

Solving the Kyle Crane Mystery in Dying Light 2: Stay Human

Unraveling the enigma of Kyle Crane's fate in the Dying Light series

Reflecting on the Evolution of Dying Light 2: An Interview with Franchise Director Tymon Smektala

Franchise director Tymon Smektala discusses the growth of Dying Light 2 and hints at upcoming plans in a recent Game Rant interview.

Dying Light 2: New Glimpses into Future Content and Exciting Plans for 2024

Dying Light 2's franchise director, Tymon Smektala, shares enticing details about the game's upcoming content and plans for 2024 in an interview with Game Rant.