Solving the Kyle Crane Mystery in Dying Light 2: Stay Human

Unraveling the enigma of Kyle Crane's fate in the Dying Light series
Solving the Kyle Crane Mystery in Dying Light 2: Stay Human


  • Dying Light 2 still leaves fans wondering about the fate of Kyle Crane from the first game
  • The sequel introduces a new protagonist and setting, but the mystery of Kyle Crane remains unresolved
  • Fans anticipate that 2024 might bring definitive answers about Kyle Crane's destiny

Techland's Dying Light 2: Stay Human, which debuted in 2022, captivated fans of open-world zombie games with its modern gameplay. Despite the comparisons to the Dead Island series, Dying Light 2 earned acclaim for its unique combat mechanics, seamless parkour, and a meticulously crafted urban landscape.

The game's sequel introduced Aiden Caldwell as the new protagonist and unveiled the city of Villedor, set two decades after the events of the first installment. While the narrative expanded on the zombie outbreak, the unresolved question of Kyle Crane's fate remained a glaring omission.

Unveiling the Truth About Kyle Crane

Kyle Crane's Journey in Dying Light

In the original Dying Light, Kyle Crane, an undercover operative, was dispatched to investigate the situation in Harran. The fate of Kyle Crane was depicted in the The Following DLC through two diverging endings, neither offering a definitive conclusion. One ending involved a nuclear strike on Harran, potentially leading to Kyle's demise. The alternative showed Mother transforming him into an intelligent Volatile. The ambiguity surrounding his fate sparked widespread speculation.

In Dying Light 2, NPCs like Spike make passing references to Kyle Crane, with some presuming him to be deceased. However, conflicting accounts and rumors have elevated Kyle to a legendary status, leaving his true fate shrouded in mystery. Speculation about Harran's status further adds to the intrigue.

Resolving the Enigma in 2024

Given the ambiguity surrounding Kyle Crane's fate, fans are eager for conclusive answers. Whether he met his end as a Volatile or evaded such a fate, players hope for closure. The year 2024 holds promise for resolving this long-standing mystery. Techland has the opportunity to provide clarity on Kyle Crane's destiny, potentially unveiling surprises such as his return as a playable character in future content. As the year unfolds, fans anticipate the resolution of Kyle Crane's enigma.