Top Ranged Weapons in Dying Light 2

While Dying Light 2 doesn't heavily promote the use of ranged weapons, here are the top choices if you need them.
Top Ranged Weapons in Dying Light 2


  • Different weapons require varying levels of skill and offer unique advantages.
  • Finding and acquiring these ranged weapons involves completing quests and exploring specific map zones.
  • Ranged weapons like pistols and shotguns can provide crucial defense in unexpected encounters with zombies.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is the 2022 sequel to the original Dying Light, blending zombie survival with parkour elements. While praised for its unique gameplay, mastering movement mechanics can be challenging.

In Dying Light 2, combat plays a secondary role to parkour and stealth, limiting the availability of weapons. Most weapons require quests completion or zone exploration for unlocking. Rarer versions offer marginal upgrades. Firearms were added post-launch for players interested in ranged combat.

6 Bow

Requires Precision Shooting

The bow becomes available after the Let's Waltz quest, demanding accuracy and skill to use effectively. Crafting arrows involves 10 Scraps and 1 Feather.

Variants: None

5 Crossbow

Efficient and Deadly

A basic crossbow is gifted by Huntress, while the PK Automatic Crossbow requires district control. The crossbow is simpler to use than the bow, excelling in stealth kills.

Variants: PK Crossbow (legendary)

4 Pistol

Entry-level Firearm for Protection

Military supply drops in Newfound Lost Lands yield pistols, serving as basic defensive tools. Ammo scarcity makes them strategic rather than offensive.

Variants: Harran Pistol (rare), Service Pistol (epic), Golden Service Pistol (artifact)

3 Shotgun

Swift Zombie Elimination

Shotguns in Fort Jefferson Ruins are effective but scarce. They offer quick zombie takedowns but suffer from limited ammo availability.

Variants: Combat Shotgun (epic), Golden Shotgun (artifact)

2 Compact SMG

Versatile Self-defense Option

Available from vendors, the Compact SMG is useful for combat-focused players. However, ammo management can be a challenge.

Variants: Compact SMG (epic), Golden Compact SMG (artifact)

1 Military Rifle

All-round Firearm Excellence

Agent Harper offers the Military Rifle after completing missions, standing out as the most versatile firearm. Despite its power, firearms are supplementary in the game.

Variants: Military Rifle (epic), Golden Military Rifle (artifact)