Metroid Prime

Top Picks for Shooting Games on Nintendo 3DS

Explore the best shooter games available on the Nintendo 3DS for an immersive gaming experience.

Exciting Progress for Metroid Prime 4 Revealed

Insider shares positive advancements on the long-awaited game development by Nintendo and Retro Studios.

Top 10 Shooter Games by Nintendo That Redefined Gaming

Nintendo has crafted some exceptional shooting games that have left a mark in the industry. Explore the top shooters that have graced Nintendo consoles.

Top Metroidvania Boss Battles

Discover some of the most thrilling boss fights in the Metroidvania genre.

Exciting Prospects for Metroid Prime 4 with Nintendo's Switch 2

Anticipating the potential launch of Nintendo's Switch 2 in early 2025 and its impact on the release of Metroid Prime 4.

6 Overlooked Antagonists From the Nintendo GameCube Era

Exploring the underrated villains that added depth to GameCube games.

Exciting Developments in Metroid Prime 4

Recent findings by a prominent gaming news investigator suggest that Metroid Prime 4 may be approaching the final stages of its extensive development process.

The Bravest Characters in Nintendo's Gaming Universe

Discover the most heroic characters from Nintendo's iconic gaming franchises.

Get Ready for Nintendo's 2024 Line up

Nintendo's 2023 success sets high expectations for the upcoming releases in 2024, with fans eagerly awaiting details on the potential Switch 2.