Disney Plus

Exploring the Special Effects of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Through the Lens of Original Trilogy Era

Delving into the unique blend of modern and traditional special effects in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, featuring the artistic mastery of Phil Tippett.

X-Men '97: Unveiling Episode 8 Secrets with Beau DeMayo

Dive into Beau DeMayo's latest revelations about X-Men '97's eighth episode, adding more depth to the ongoing discussion.

Unveiling Star Wars Universe Through Lesser-Known Characters

Exploring the engaging visuals, music, and action in the world of Star Wars through unconventional stories.

The Ultimate Guide to Watching Star Wars Movies (Star Wars Timeline)

Choosing the ideal sequence to watch Star Wars can be challenging, weighing both release date and chronological orders.

Unveiling Nala Se: A Complex Character in the Star Wars Universe

Exploring the journey of a cloning expert from loyalty to the Empire to a pivotal change of heart.

The Acolyte: A Fresh Approach to the Force in Star Wars Universe

Exploring New Paths: The Acolyte's Unique Spin on George Lucas's Vision

RUMOR: Marvel Reportedly Cancels Another Project Before Release

A new Marvel series featuring Monica Rambeau allegedly scrapped due to poor reception of another project.

X-Men '97: Unveiling the Enigmatic Bastion

Exploring the mysterious origins and formidable abilities of this chilling antagonist from the acclaimed animated series.

Shogun: The Unexpectedly Effective Ending Explained

Unraveling the reasons behind the seemingly anti-climactic conclusion of the gripping samurai drama, Shogun.

Unpacking X-Men '97 Episode 7

A detailed look at the pivotal events that unfold in the latest X-Men '97 episode.

Unveiling the Climactic End of Shogun: Episode 10

Exploring the surprising revelations and unexpected finale of this remarkable series.

Disney's Surprising Role in Reviving a Beloved Anime Classic

Exploring Disney's unexpected involvement in bringing back this cherished anime gem.

Unveiling the Anime Influence on X-Men '97 by Its Directors

Discover how the captivating anime inspirations shaped the success of X-Men '97, straight from the series' directors.

Unraveling the Drama: Shogun Episode 9 Review

Exploring the intricate social dynamics of Osaka with John, Mariko, and Yabushige as they navigate the complexities under Ishido's watchful gaze.

Unveiling the Evolution of Vernestra Rwoh in Star Wars: The Acolyte

Delving into the mysterious transformation of a key character in The Acolyte series

Former X-Men '97 Showrunner Beau DeMayo Speaks Out Post-Firing

Beau DeMayo, the ex-showrunner of X-Men '97, shares insights on episode 5 and his departure from the Marvel Animation series.

X-Men '97 Episode 5 Review

Exploring the intense events of X-Men '97's halfway mark in a gripping manner.

Discover More Historical Series Like Shogun

If you enjoyed FX's Shogun, these captivating historical dramas will satisfy your craving for political intrigue and intense action.

Analyzing Shogun Episode 7

Exploring the escalating challenges faced by the characters in this gripping drama.

Kirsten Dunst Opens Up About Challenges Filming Spider-Man Scenes

Discover the revelations from Kirsten Dunst on the discomfort faced during the filming of iconic Spider-Man scenes, shedding light on behind-the-scenes struggles.