Unveiling the Anime Influence on X-Men '97 by Its Directors

Discover how the captivating anime inspirations shaped the success of X-Men '97, straight from the series' directors.
Unveiling the Anime Influence on X-Men '97 by Its Directors


  • X-Men '97 blends anime elements seamlessly, injecting depth and maturity into its thrilling animated narrative.
  • Drawing from animation styles of the 80s and 90s, creators Eli Yonemura and Chase Conley elevate the Marvel classic with fresh inspiration.
  • Despite facing hurdles like limited funds and diverse animator backgrounds, the infusion of anime essence in X-Men '97 elevates the show, contributing to its triumph.

X-Men '97 has swiftly become a favorite among Marvel enthusiasts since its debut, impressing fans with its animated brilliance. Recently, the masterminds behind the series shared insights into the anime influences that have shaped this remarkable show.

The resurgence of X-Men has been nothing short of a triumph. With its adrenaline-pumping action sequences and unexpected emotional depth, this animated gem is captivating audiences. The infusion of anime elements into the series was a deliberate choice, as two of the show's creators openly discussed how these influences permeated every aspect of X-Men '97.

In a conversation with ComicBook, Eli Yonemura and Chase Conley shed light on their adoration for anime, highlighting how it influenced the essence of X-Men '97, drawing inspiration particularly from animation trends of the 80s and 90s. While paying homage to the original series' animator Larry Houston, the new creative team of X-Men '97 embraced anime aesthetics with a renewed vigor, undeterred by budget constraints, aiming for unparalleled excellence.

Yonemura shared his passion for anime, expressing the desire to infuse these beloved elements into the series, a sentiment echoed by Houston himself. Yonemura emphasized, "Let's bring that anime vibe to X-Men. With Marvel's backing, we have the resources to create something truly awesome." The impact of these influences reverberates throughout the series, embraced by animators old and new alike. The strategic use of anime has undoubtedly elevated the Marvel classic, evident in its resounding success.

Conley recounted a dinner conversation with Houston, reminiscing about their discussion on the new animated series, where Houston revealed his fondness for the anime classic, Ninja Scroll. However, the creative team encountered numerous obstacles along the way, including financial constraints, tight schedules, and a blend of animators from diverse backgrounds, all of which left a significant mark on the final product. Audience reception was a key concern, as not everyone embraced this unique style wholeheartedly. Conley elaborated, "Viewers tend to appreciate a more cinematic approach, influenced by anime, in certain series." Houston commended the X-Men '97 team, expressing his admiration for the show they had crafted, a creation he wished he had been a part of.

X-Men '97 is now available for streaming on Disney+.