Marvel's Blade

Unveiling Morbius' Redemption: Marvel's Blade by Arkane Studios

Exploring how Arkane Studios could transform Morbius into a significant and stylish villain in Marvel's Blade.

The Art of Waiting: Arkane's Strategy for Marvel's Blade Game

Exploring the reasons behind Arkane's deliberate pace in developing the Marvel Blade game.

Unveiling Marvel’s Blade: A Look at the Limited Arsenal and Combat System

Exploring the insights offered by Marvel's Blade's revealed tone, artistic direction, and weaponry.

Marvel Games: Exciting Updates and Reveals for 2024

Keep an eye out for potential big reveals and exciting updates for Marvel games in 2024.

Marvel's Upcoming Video Games Tied to MCU Release Schedule

Upcoming video games based on Marvel heroes aligning with MCU film releases

Marvel's Black Panther Game by EA Cliffhanger: A Mystery in the Making

The upcoming Black Panther game by EA's new studio, Cliffhanger Games, is shrouded in uncertainty, leaving fans eager for more information and eagerly anticipating its unique direction.

Get Ready to Wait: Marvel's Blade Game Release May Take Longer Than Expected

Rumors are swirling that the release of Marvel's Blade game could be much further off than initially anticipated, leaving eager fans hanging.

Exploring Arkane’s Binary Morality System in Marvel's Blade

Arkane's signature binary morality system could add depth to Marvel's Blade, emphasizing Eric Brooks' half-human, half-vampire nature.

How Arkane is Shifting Perspectives with Marvel’s Blade

Marvel's Blade marks a major shift in direction for Arkane Lyon, opening up new possibilities for future titles.

Marvel vs. DC: The Clash of Gaming Universes

Exploring the unique approaches of Marvel and DC in the video game industry

Marvel’s Blade Sets an Example for Unrevealed Marvel Games

Marvel's Blade leads the way for other unannounced Marvel games to follow suit.

Marvel Games Offer Diverse Takes on Paris

Marvel games are breaking away from the traditional New York City setting and exploring Paris, France, in different time periods and continuities.