Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Black Hinox Locations Guide

Discover the whereabouts of Black Hinox mini-bosses in Hyrule in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Black Hinox Locations Guide


  • Black Hinox are formidable mini-boss creatures with valuable drops.
  • Knowing the locations of Black Hinox can be advantageous for players.
  • Defeating Black Hinox yields materials for weapon upgrades and elixirs.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom presents a myriad of challenges as you explore the vast lands of Hyrule. Among the perils that await are the menacing creatures that inhabit specific regions. While some foes come in small numbers and are easily dispatched, there are formidable mini-bosses like the Hinox that pose a greater threat. In particular, the Black Hinox stands out as the most powerful variant, offering valuable rewards upon defeat. Familiarizing yourself with the locations of these creatures can greatly benefit your adventure.

Unveiling the Black Hinox Locations in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Black Hinox is a prominent mini-boss found across Hyrule. While engaging these creatures in combat can be challenging, exploiting their weak spot – the eye – by consistently shooting arrows from a distance can stun them, allowing for close-range melee attacks. By repeating this strategy until the Black Hinox is defeated, players can secure victory. Here are the approximate map coordinates detailing where Black Hinox can be encountered:

Black Hinox Locations Above Ground

  • Meadala's Mantle: -4205, -1292, 0429
  • Located East of Harker Lake: 1098, -2872, 0068
  • Jia Highlands: 1562, -2416, 0193
  • East of Minetak Shrine: 0394, 3485, 0083
  • Southwest of Rassla Lake Cave: 1687, -3873, 0003
  • Southeast of Malin Bay: 4643, 1778, 0031
  • Lomei Labyrinth Island: 4603, 3530, -0065
  • Calora Lake Cave: 2025, -3061, 0096
  • Hyrule Castle Library: -0154, 1064, 0215

Black Hinox Locations Underground

  • South of Gerudo Canyon Mine: -4205, -1292, -0871
  • Southeast of Corvash Canyon Mine: -2783, 2031, -0757
  • Northwest of Korok Grove: -0146, 2382, -0621
  • North of Dueling Canyons Mine: 1470, -1330, -0549
  • Northwest of Goflam's Lavafalls: -3655, 3806, -0678
  • Northeast from Trial of the Master Sword location: 1687, -3873, -0456
  • South of Rist Mine: 4643, 1778, -0482
  • North of Bubinga Grove: 2051, -2004, -0472

Defeating a Black Hinox rewards players with essential items for weapon enhancements, armor upgrades, and elixir concoctions. These materials play a crucial role in enhancing gameplay, emphasizing the importance of collecting all drops after a successful battle against these formidable foes.

Potential Drops from Black Hinox

  • Black Hinox Horn
  • Hinox Guts
  • Hinox Toenail
  • Hinox Tooth