Innovative Mod Allows Link to Wield Super Smash Bros. Falcon Punch in Zelda: Ocarina of Time

A creative modder introduces a game-changing move from Super Smash Bros. into The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Innovative Mod Allows Link to Wield Super Smash Bros. Falcon Punch in Zelda: Ocarina of Time


  • The iconic Falcon Punch from Super Smash Bros. is now part of the classic Ocarina of Time game.
  • Modder notChase seamlessly integrates this powerful move, enabling players to punch through obstacles and foes.
  • The addition of Falcon Punch highlights the enduring appeal and adaptability of Ocarina of Time for modern gamers.

An inventive modder has incorporated a famous move from Super Smash Bros. into The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, introducing an exciting twist to gameplay. The renowned Falcon Punch, typically associated with the character Captain Falcon from F-Zero in Super Smash Bros., has now found its way into the beloved Zelda universe.

Ocarina of Time stands out as a timeless classic in the Zelda series, cherished by fans for its immersive gameplay and rich storyline. Over the years, modders have continued to revitalize the game, offering new experiences to a new generation of players.

The Falcon Punch is a signature move in the Super Smash Bros. series, primarily used by Captain Falcon or Kirby (after swallowing Captain Falcon). This powerful move involves Captain Falcon engulfing his fist in flames before striking the opponent, sending them hurtling across the battlefield. Captain Falcon, originally from the SNES era in the F-Zero franchise, has now made a remarkable crossover into Ocarina of Time.

Revolutionizing Gameplay with the Falcon Punch Mod

Modder and content creator notChase has ingeniously integrated the Falcon Punch into Ocarina of Time, opening up new possibilities for players. Demonstrated in a captivating YouTube video, the mod showcases how this iconic move can be utilized to bypass obstacles and adversaries, streamlining gameplay and enhancing speedruns.

In the video, Link is shown utilizing the Falcon Punch to clear his path of various impediments, such as characters like Mido, King Zora, and even a formidable foe like Ganondorf. This innovative mod not only adds a fun and dynamic element to the game but also exemplifies the creativity and skill of modders in reshaping classic titles.

notChase's previous mods, like introducing the Ultrahand from Tears of the Kingdom into Ocarina of TimeZelda universe underscores the adaptability of classic games and the ingenuity of modding communities in keeping these games fresh and engaging.