Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Unveils Intriguing Cucco Behavior

Exploring a fascinating detail about Cuccos in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and its impact on players.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Unveils Intriguing Cucco Behavior


  • Players in Tears of the Kingdom uncover Cucco's hidden homing abilities, sparking joy and deeper immersion in the game world.
  • Zelda enthusiasts are delving into secret features like Cucco compasses, enriching their gaming experience.
  • Subtle elements such as Cucco behavior not only entertain but also elevate Tears of the Kingdom's reputation and accolades.

A Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom enthusiast has stumbled upon a remarkable observation - Cuccos appear to possess a homing instinct. This newfound detail is just one of the many revelations fans have made since the game's release.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, much like its predecessor Breath of the Wild, is teeming with intricate details that enhance the game world's richness and allure. From NPCs reacting to Link's attire to symbolic items connecting the two games, these nuances continually surprise players, with the latest being the peculiar Cucco behavior.

During a gameplay session, a player named Slashersmash69 on Reddit noticed a peculiar behavior of a Cucco from Kakariko Village. Upon carrying the Cucco away from the village and setting it down, the bird consistently faced Kakariko Village's direction. A video demonstration showcased this phenomenon, with the Cucco reliably pointing towards its origin on the map.

This quirky discovery has both amused and intrigued the gaming community. Speculations arose, with some suggesting the Cucco was mapping its way home, while others humorously dubbed it a 'Cuccompas.' The player Slashersmash69 clarified that if the Cucco strayed too far from home, it would pause and continue facing Kakariko Village.

Are All Tears of the Kingdom Cuccos Homeward Bound?

Another player, OSCgal, chimed in to share their observations, revealing that while some Cuccos exhibit this behavior, others do not. Cuccos from various locations like Robbie's lab and Dueling Peaks Stable displayed tendencies to head home, albeit inconsistently. Evidently, not all Cuccos share the same longing for their origins.

Tears of the Kingdom has left a lasting impact on gamers, solidifying its status as a worthy successor to the legendary Zelda franchise. Beyond its acclaimed storyline and gameplay, it's the intricate details like the Cucco revelation that captivate players and contribute to the game's recognition through multiple award nominations.