Uncovering the Unseen: Zack Snyder's Abandoned Wonder Woman 1854 Project

Exploring the shelved Wonder Woman 1854 by Zack Snyder and its unique take on the superhero narrative.
Uncovering the Unseen: Zack Snyder's Abandoned Wonder Woman 1854 Project


  • Discover Snyder's abandoned Wonder Woman storyline set in the Crimean War era, offering a fresh perspective on the iconic hero.
  • Explore the proposed 'Wonder Woman 1854' film focusing on Diana's search for Ares, highlighting her immortality and relationships amid turmoil.
  • Unravel the blend of romance, conflict, and immortality that would have shaped a compelling narrative for Wonder Woman in the scrapped project.

Delving into the world of superheroes, Zack Snyder, known for his work on Wonder Woman and various DCEU endeavors, has revealed tantalizing details about a shelved Wonder Woman project that could have offered a fresh perspective on the beloved character.

The abandoned prequel, named 'Wonder Woman 1854,' would have taken a unique approach by exploring the superhero's past in the Crimean War era. Snyder's vision for Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman in this alternate timeline sheds light on an uncharted territory the DCEU could have ventured into.

In an exclusive chat with Empire, Snyder shared insights into the plot of the envisioned Wonder Woman 1854 movie, which aimed to present a different side of the iconic hero by placing her in a historical context. Despite the initial excitement surrounding this concept, the project faced a dead-end, leaving fans to wonder about the untold tales it could have spun within the DC cinematic universe.

While previous Wonder Woman films and related DC projects have showcased the heroine in World War I, 1980s America, and the present Justice League timeline alongside Superman and Batman, 'Wonder Woman 1854' would have transported her to an unparalleled setting: the Crimean War. Just like its predecessors, this installment would have unfolded against the backdrop of a significant historical event. Snyder even shared a glimpse of the project, featuring Wonder Woman amidst soldiers in a chilling scene.

Snyder clarified that 'Wonder Woman 1854' was an early exploration of the paths Diana could have taken in her quest for Ares after leaving her island. The narrative would have seen her traversing the globe to confront conflict wherever it arose. This journey would eventually lead her to an encounter with Steve Trevor, portrayed by Chris Pine, in Crimea. Despite the detailed discussions, this captivating concept never materialized into a full-fledged movie. However, Snyder mentioned that the idea had taken a life of its own through the extensive brainstorming sessions.

The abandoned project would have woven together elements of romance and conflict, showcasing Diana's poignant relationships with mortals as an immortal being. Snyder described a poignant arc where Diana's lovers, warriors she found in battlefields worldwide, would age or perish, creating a bittersweet cycle of loyalty and loss. The narrative would have culminated in Diana's meeting with Trevor, completing a tale of love, strife, and everlasting life.

Watch Wonder Woman on HBO Max and Netflix to experience the iconic hero's adventures.