Why a Young Indy Prequel DLC Could Work Wonders for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Exploring the potential for a prequel or prologue DLC in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle game.
Why a Young Indy Prequel DLC Could Work Wonders for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


  • The impressive likeness of Harrison Ford in the Great Circle game is a testament to advanced technology and skilled execution.
  • First-person gameplay and pre-rendered cutscenes allow for perfected facial capture and animations, enhancing the immersive experience.
  • Obtaining River Phoenix's likeness for a young Indy prequel DLC poses challenges but could enrich the character's mythology in the game.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle demonstrates remarkable execution in capturing Harrison Ford’s likeness and voice, showcasing advanced technology without veering into the uncanny valley. The skillful imitation of Ford's voice by Troy Baker adds a subtle yet familiar spin to the iconic archaeologist.

The first-person gameplay and emphasis on pre-rendered cutscenes in Great Circle enable perfected facial capture and animations, offering an immersive experience for players. This approach presents an exciting opportunity for MachineGames to explore untold chapters of Indy’s adventures through post-launch DLC, despite potential obstacles.

The Potential for a Young Indy DLC

Revisiting a Memorable Sequence

The prologue in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade stands out as one of the franchise's most exhilarating moments, featuring a youthful and idealistic portrayal of Indy by River Phoenix. This iconic sequence effectively illustrates Indy's early experiences, laying the foundation for his pursuit of relic preservation and justice. A similar prequel story in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle would offer an exciting opportunity to delve into uncharted territory.

Challenges and Considerations

Securing the rights to River Phoenix's likeness poses a significant challenge for a potential prequel DLC. Bethesda would need to navigate arrangements with the actor's family, considering the investment in Harrison Ford's likeness. While a first-person-only approach could circumvent this issue, it may impact the game's storytelling, which heavily relies on cutscenes. Despite the narrative richness of Last Crusade's prologue, a prequel DLC could still add depth to Indy's mythology.

Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is set to launch in 2024 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.