The Flaws of Making Cyclops the Lead in a Single-Player X-Men Game

Exploring the challenges of featuring Cyclops as the main character in a single-player X-Men title and alternative roles that could better suit him.
The Flaws of Making Cyclops the Lead in a Single-Player X-Men Game


  • The concept of a Marvel's X-Men game by Insomniac is exhilarating, but creating an ensemble game may not align with the studio's strengths.
  • While a single-player X-Men game may seem contradictory, other games have successfully allowed players to control different characters, reflecting the direction Marvel games are heading.
  • Cyclops' lack of dynamic gameplay potential and his leadership qualities suggest he may be better suited as a support character rather than a frontline soldier.

Insomniac’s development of a Marvel’s X-Men game has generated immense excitement, particularly following the foundations laid by Marvel’s Wolverine. The anticipation surrounding the potential for an X-Men game, despite being beyond Insomniac's typical scope, has sparked considerable speculation about its future roster and gameplay dynamics.

The notion of a single-player X-Men game may appear conflicting due to the group's diverse characters. However, various ensemble games have successfully offered single-player experiences by allowing players to control multiple characters at different points. If this aligns with Marvel's vision for future games, certain characters could take the lead among the X-Men roster. Nevertheless, while Cyclops is a natural leader, his limitations in gameplay may hinder his significant role.

Cyclops' Limited Gameplay Appeal

While Scott possesses an intriguing personality, his gameplay potential is limited. His optic blasts present a challenge in balancing their power, making it difficult to sustain engagement. This singular ability restricts his dynamism, resulting in static gameplay and mechanical limitations.

Challenges in Designing Cyclops' Gameplay

Cyclops' gameplay revolves around his optic blasts, presenting hurdles in creating diverse and engaging mechanics. The visor dial offers potential for varying blast functions, but overall, his gameplay lacks the versatility required for a compelling single-player experience.

Leveraging Cyclops' Leadership Attributes

Rather than positioning Cyclops as a frontline soldier, his leadership qualities could be better utilized to provide support and strategic direction to other characters. Emulating the role of an Officer in Star Wars Battlefront 2, Cyclops could offer commands and support buffs to allies, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

While Cyclops' character is compelling, integrating him as an NPC companion, akin to God of War Ragnarok's Angrboda or Freya, may be a more suitable approach, considering the challenges of making him a standalone playable character.