Unraveling Rogue's Ability to Fly in X-Men '97

Delve into the mystery of Rogue's permanent flight and how it ties back to Captain Marvel
Unraveling Rogue's Ability to Fly in X-Men '97


  • Rogue's ability to fly permanently stems from absorbing Captain Marvel's powers, including flight and super strength
  • The absorption occurred during a significant showdown with Carol Danvers, leading to a transformative change in both characters
  • Rogue's flight capability is a consequence of absorbing not just powers but also the cosmic origins of Captain Marvel's abilities

Whether you're a casual viewer of X-Men ‘97 or a seasoned comic book enthusiast, the Marvel Universe showcases mutants with distinct abilities. From Wolverine's healing powers to Storm's weather control, each mutant possesses a unique gift. However, fans of X-Men ‘97 have been intrigued by Rogue's permanent flight ability, given her mutation of absorbing other mutants' powers.

The explanation lies in the original X-Men: The Animated Series and a pivotal encounter with a character from the MCU. In the series, fans delve into Rogue's backstory, power evolution, and a significant clash with a potent Marvel hero – Captain Marvel, formerly known as Ms. Marvel. This showdown between Rogue and Carol Danvers reverberates through both characters' futures and holds a profound link to the comics.

Rogue's Flight Ability Origin

Rogue, a formidable mutant in the X-Men roster, hails from the Southern United States. Her mutant powers manifested when a kiss put a boy in the hospital, triggering her escape from home. Taken in by Mystique, a shapeshifter and Brotherhood of Mutants member, Rogue found a mentor and surrogate mother. Fueled by resentment towards her gift, Rogue was molded by Mystique into a Brotherhood operative, fueling the mutant cause.

Trained by Mystique, Rogue embarked on a mission to a military base, believing they targeted a plane. However, the arrival of Ms. Marvel thwarted their plans. Mystique, with ulterior motives, orchestrated a scenario where Rogue would absorb Carol's powers.

Rogue's Acquisition of Flight

This transformative confrontation mirrors a historic event in Marvel's lore. In both the animated series and comics, Rogue's absorption of Carol's powers extends beyond abilities to encompass memories and morality. The core of this absorption grants Rogue super strength and flight, inherited from Captain Marvel.

Carol Danvers, as MCU fans know her, gained her powers from the original Captain Mar-Vell, bestowing cosmic abilities that propelled her into the heroics as Ms. Marvel and later, Captain Marvel. Rogue's absorption not only granted her flight but also tied her to the cosmic origins of Carol's powers. This deep absorption, influenced by Mystique's manipulation, resulted in a more lasting integration of abilities into Rogue's arsenal.

Rogue Soars High

Rogue's flight prowess, a gift from an Avenger, showcases her as a pivotal X-Men member. Her rapid flight mirrors Carol Danvers' supersonic aerial abilities, hinting at Carol's potential return and a sought-after rematch. Rogue's narrative in X-Men ‘97 emphasizes her aerial pursuits in the quest for justice, promising more high-flying action in the upcoming season finale.