Mastering WWE 2K24: Unleashing the Power of the Turnbuckle

Learn how to strategically utilize the turnbuckle in WWE 2K24 to gain an edge over your opponents.
Mastering WWE 2K24: Unleashing the Power of the Turnbuckle


  • Unleash the turnbuckle's potential as a weapon in WWE 2K24 matches.
  • Strategically remove the turnbuckle padding to use it to your advantage.
  • Execute attacks carefully to maximize damage and prevent reversals.

Step into the electrifying world of WWE 2K24 and embody your favorite wrestling superstars to dominate the ring and claim victory. From signature finishing moves to intense showdowns, experience the essence of real wrestling in every match.

Within the realm of WWE, combatants employ various props like chairs, ladders, tables, and turnbuckles to triumph over their rivals. In a surprising twist, WWE 2K24 allows you to wield these same weapons against your opponents. This guide delves into the intricacies of removing the turnbuckle in the game.

Unveiling the Turnbuckle's Power in WWE 2K24

The turnbuckle, a fixture located at the corner of the wrestling ring, typically used to secure and tension the ropes, can be transformed into a formidable weapon in WWE 2K24. By dismantling the protective padding, you can utilize the turnbuckle against your adversary.

In contrast to its real-world counterpart, removing the turnbuckle in the game is a swift and uncomplicated process. However, exercise caution as your opponent may retaliate once you start the maneuver. Ensure your foe is subdued before initiating the removal to avoid being caught off guard.

To expose the turnbuckle, approach any side of the ring and select the desired turnbuckle for removal. On Xbox, simultaneously press RT and LB; for PlayStation, use R2 and L1; on PC, press Space and U. Coordinate these inputs to execute the action seamlessly.

Upon activation, witness your character extracting the turnbuckle, transforming it into a potent weapon for direct strikes or incorporation into your finishing techniques.

Engage in diverse assaults like Irish Whips and running attacks to inflict substantial damage on your adversaries. However, be mindful of potential reversals during these maneuvers, which could backfire and leave you vulnerable. Strategic utilization of these tactics is key to success.