Terrible Mothers in Nintendo Games: A Ranking

Exploring the worst mother figures in Nintendo's gaming universe and their impact on the characters
Terrible Mothers in Nintendo Games: A Ranking


  • Explore the impact of terrible mother figures in Nintendo games on the characters
  • Discover the ranking of the worst mothers in Nintendo's gaming universe
  • Understand the significance of portraying flawed parental figures in video games

While some video games depict impeccable families with supportive parents and children, others delve into the darkest forms of parenting, both in fathers and mothers. These stories often evoke profound emotions, as the characters who are expected to provide unwavering support are depicted as failing in their roles.

For gamers interested in exploring compelling narratives featuring terrible mothers, Nintendo's gaming consoles offer numerous titles with such storylines. Here are the rankings of the worst mothers in games developed or published by Nintendo:

6 Pokemon Protagonist's Mother (Pokemon Red And Blue Onwards)

Forcing Children Out at a Young Age

The mother of the protagonist in Pokemon Red And Blue has consistently exhibited poor parenting skills by forcing her children out at a tender age of around 10, exposing them to the dangers of the world. This portrayal raises serious concerns about her ability to provide a nurturing environment for her children.

Despite being a recurring character in various Pokemon games, she falls short of being the worst mother figure in Nintendo's gaming universe.

5 Mrs Sanderson (Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!)

Abandoning Maternal Responsibilities

  • Platforms: Wii, GameCube
  • Released: 2005-06-23
  • Developer: Skip Ltd, Bandai

Mrs Sanderson, featured in Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, initially assumes the role of a mother figure to Chibi-Robo, albeit reluctantly. As the game progresses, her ambivalence towards maternal duties becomes evident, culminating in her neglectful behavior and withdrawal from her responsibilities as a mother.

4 Sada (Pokemon Scarlet)

Neglecting Parental Duties

Sada, the mother in Pokemon Scarlet, abandons her parental responsibilities after being deserted by Professor Truro, neglecting her son despite her yearning for a family. This deeply unfortunate behavior positions Sada as a truly inadequate mother in the Pokemon universe, failing to provide the care expected of a parent.

3 Mother Maiamai (The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds)

Losing Sight of Maternal Responsibilities

Mother Maiamai from The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds falls short of being an exemplary mother, with her numerous children scattered across the world and her reluctance to seek them out herself, instead relying on Link to locate them in exchange for rewards. This portrayal depicts her as a somewhat indifferent mother, despite her utility to the player.

2 Sonia (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)

Exploiting Maternal Roles

Sonia, an antagonist in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, displays appalling mothering skills, leveraging her relationship with Nino solely for personal gain, neglecting her emotional needs and depriving her of an education for years. This egregious conduct positions Sonia as one of the most inadequate mothers in gaming, particularly within Nintendo's realm.

1 Lusamine (Pokemon Sun And Moon)

Manipulative and Neglectful Parenting

Lusamine, the primary antagonist in Pokemon Sun And Moon, epitomizes the worst form of motherhood in any Nintendo game. Her manipulative and callous treatment of her children, driven by her desire for dominance, establishes her as an exceptionally abhorrent mother. Her disregard for her children's well-being and her instrumental view of them as mere obstacles to her ambitions solidifies her position as the most reprehensible mother figure in Pokemon Sun And Moon.