Exciting Feature Discovered by World of Warcraft Fans in Warbands Character Selection

Explorers of The War Within alpha stumble upon a delightful surprise on the Warbands character select screen.
Exciting Feature Discovered by World of Warcraft Fans in Warbands Character Selection


  • Fans can now select 4 characters to gather around a campfire on the updated World of Warcraft login screen in The War Within.
  • Characters are observed sitting around, hinting at the possibility of random emotes in the future.
  • Upcoming updates may introduce additional backgrounds and features such as Follower Dungeons for enhanced gameplay.

World of Warcraft enthusiasts have started noticing a charming addition to the Warbands character select screen within The War Within alpha. While seemingly minor, this change has sparked excitement among players who are eager to see the implications for the future.

The introduction of Warbands in World of Warcraft: The War Within is set to transform how players engage with the game. Alongside numerous alt-friendly improvements making various aspects of the game account-wide, the character select screen is receiving an update that allows fans to choose four of their beloved characters to strike a pose together.

During the World of Warcraft: The War Within alpha phase, some fans made an interesting discovery regarding the new character select screen. Initially, the characters on this special login display simply stood around idly. However, a few testers noticed their characters opting to sit around the campfire instead. Content creators Taliesin & Evitel and MrGM were among those who witnessed their characters taking a seat, confirming that this was a deliberate addition rather than a mere glitch.

The Fresh Character Selection Experience in WoW: The War Within

  • Players now have the option to select up to four favorite World of Warcraft characters to gather around a communal campfire on their login screen.
  • Fans have observed their characters occasionally sitting, indicating the potential for spontaneous emotes.
  • While only one background is currently available, WoW may introduce more for players to collect in the future.

When World of Warcraft initially revealed Warbands at BlizzCon last year, the conceptual image for the new loading screen depicted four characters dynamically positioned around a campfire. Although the alpha version of the character select screen was somewhat less dynamic, the introduction of characters sitting by the fire adds a touch of vitality, showcasing World of Warcraft's ongoing enhancements to the feature. Players are curious about the potential additional emotes they might witness around the campfire and are hopeful that their characters may eventually engage in activities like dancing and laughter together.

The Warbands system is expected to introduce more new features in the future. World of Warcraft has hinted at the possibility of new backgrounds for fans to collect and utilize in their Warbands, while WoW executive producer Holly Longdale has teased the prospect of completing Follower Dungeons with one's own alternate characters. Warbands stand out as one of the most anticipated features in The War Within, and witnessing World of Warcraft evolve it in real time is certain to bring joy to players in the latest expansion.